Thursday, September 19, 2024

Allison: Two Months

Two whole months with the sweetest girl. Watching her grow has given me a new appreciation for taking everything in and (at least trying) to slow down in the great race of life. 

This month we've enjoyed getting more and more settled in to our life as a family of six. 

The kids are all still enamored with Allison. Brayden still calls her "the new baby" more than he uses her name and is the absolute best big brother I could ask for for her, Ashley is still my biggest helper, and Katie is still overly concerned with showing me all things belonging to Allie. 

Needless to say, they are in love. 

And so are we. It truly doesn't get better than this.

I was so glad that I took the time this month to go visit my Grandma Blievernicht one day when daycare was closed. I picked the twins up after school and took all the kids to Effingham to see her and let her meet her newest great grandchild. She had the biggest smile when she held Allison, and it's one of the things that I'll always remember about her, as 6 days after our visit she passed away. Rest in Peace Grandma, you are greatly missed. 

Allison is wearing size 3 month clothes and size one diapers. It was so hard to put away those newborn clothes knowing I won't be needing them again. But then there's Eric over there celebrating that we never need to store newborn clothes or buy newborn diapers again- the difference between a man and a woman ha!

She is weighing around 12 pounds 8 ounces and measures about 22 and a half inches long. She has really filled out this past month and has definitely lost her "newborn" look. We've also all agreed that she no longer resembles Katie, but that hasn't stopped us from still calling her that from time to time. 

Allison is now eating 5 ounces every 3 to four hours and is using a size 2 nipple. She is eating a total of 30 ounces a day, getting up around 6/6:30 and going to bed sometime between 9 and 10. And we are sleeping through the night- woohoo!

Allison is starting to smile SO much and it melts my heart every time she smiles at me- it has to be one of the best things in the world. She's found her voice this month and lets out lots of coos. She is starting to grab onto the animals on her play mat, though maybe not intentionally at this point. She is also giving you "hugs" when you pick her up where her arms wrap around you, which is just an heart warming feeling.

She has to be kind of coaxed to take her pacifier at times, and Eric and I have noticed that she has started sucking on her fists, especially if she is chest to chest cuddling with you and her hands are up by her face. 

She is loving bath time and the attention she gets from her brother and sisters. She is a fan of the swing and is trying to bat at the mobile on it. 

Allison is not a fan of trapped gas, but we've thankfully had a lot less of that this month, especially after getting adjusted by Sam (huge thank you to her!). 

I know we are in for loads of fun this next month with her- so here's to looking forward to all that is to come!