Six months with this beaut, it doesn't seem possible! I really thought that all these milestones would hit me hard knowing Allison is our last, but I'm doing surprisingly well with them. I guess it's just because Allie makes life so fun, and I'm so looking forward to seeing how she keeps growing in the months to come.
This past month was a big one! She celebrated her first Christmas, which I blogged about here.
She rang in 2025 at my mom and dad's house while Eric and I were at a wedding, but we enjoyed celebrating on the 1st with her and the rest of the kids.
And Allie also experienced her first snow! I don't know that any of her body actually touched the snow, but she sure looked like the cutest little marshmallow laying in it.
She's learned so much this month! She's discovered her toes and likes to grab at those. She has also discovered her tongue and has started blowing raspberries at you. She is loving exploring all the textures, and her little fingers scratch on everything that she sees. A favorite of hers right now is grabbing at your face when she is close to you.
She pretty consistently rolls quickly to her belly when you put her on her back, so she's started sleeping on her belly at night. She usually falls asleep on her back, but by morning (or the end of nap) she is more often than not on her belly.
She loves a bottle, and likes to help you hold it when she eats. If you are carrying her when you grab her bottle she is also trying to shove it in her mouth before you can get sat back down!
She also loves being talked to or sung to. She puts everything in her mouth. She is really enjoying her jumper and loves chewing on the butterfly wings on that. She pushes up really high on her arms when she is on her tummy, and I've seen her even get her belly up off the floor at times. She really kicks her legs when on her belly too, so you can tell she is ready to move. She is starting to roll to get where she wants to go. There are definitely times when I'll look over and she's rolled herself off of her blanket.
As far as dislikes, at the beginning of the month she didn't like getting "stuck" on her belly. I know she doesn't like when she spits up when she is on her tummy. But if I wipe it away she is usually happy again. She also isn't a fan of not being able to see what's going on. If you get her up and in the action she will cheer right up. But we can't complain, she isn't sad often.
She is in size 2 diapers and six month clothes. She is taking five 6 ounce bottles for a total of 30 ounces a day. She gets up around 6:30, is up for 2 to 2 and a half hours between naps. She takes 3 naps a day, and goes to bed sometime between 8 and 8:30.
She is about 26 inches long and weighs about 15.2 pounds. At her six month doctor's appointment (on the 27th), she measured in at 26.25 inches long and 15.3 pounds.
I can't believe we are only six months until our baby turns O.N.E. Here's to all the fun that is to come!