Monday, November 16, 2015

A New Job!

Whew! It's been a while since I've posted on here, but I wanted to wait until Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month was over and then I became overwhelmed with my emerging photography business. (Shameless plug- you can check my stuff out here! If you're interested in booking a session, send me an email or a Facebook message.)

In the midst of all of that, I accepted the Speech-Language Pathologist position in the Palestine School District. I'm officially a Pioneer! It wasn't an easy decision to leave my job at Integrated Therapy Services. I miss my co-workers and my clients something fierce, but in the end, this job change was what was best for our family. 

I'm happy to say that I am loving my new job! My new co-workers have made an excellent effort to help me feel at home and to help me get accustomed to coming into the school system in the middle of the year. My schedule came together relatively quickly, and I have some great kids on my caseload. 

Look at these beautiful flowers! A client from ITS sent them to my new school my first week there. I've enjoyed looking at them every day on my desk. 

And get this guys, I HAVE A WINDOW! Now, if you're not a speech pathologist in the schools, you probably wouldn't understand my excitement. When I worked at Sparta, I was literally in a closet in the middle of the school. A tiny desk, one table with three chairs that barely fit with just enough room to get out the door, and four solid concrete walls. Now I actually have a classroom, complete with two tables, a huge desk, a whiteboard, 7 cabinets, and a glorious window. It's the little things. 

But for now, it's back to editing away on pictures from the past week's sessions. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Sharon! Windows are definitely treasured items, lol... Enjoy your new position! Your photos are beautiful, I'm so happy for you!
