Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Happenings of Bailey and Cassie

Life's rough when you're a dog, can't you tell?

As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the dogs have slowly been creeping their way further and further into the house. It doesn't help when someone in the house let's Bailey do this:

If you know Cassie, you know that if someone is getting attention, she wants some too. So one day while Eric was letting Bailey sit on his lap, this happened.

She just wanted some kisses! She didn't stay up there long, and was soon laying right next to the recliner sleeping like a baby, I mean puppy. 

Speaking of puppies, look at how big Cassie is!! I can't believe she's six months old. She weighs the same as Bailey and stands and sits taller than her. It won't be long before she will be substantially bigger than Bailey. 

And one last picture for you- the cone of shame! Cassie got spayed yesterday and she wouldn't stop licking her stitches, which resulted in this. Which also resulted in Cassie completely ignoring me, including sitting turned away from me with her head held down, as well as running into walls, door frames, and getting stuck in the mud. I finally gave in and took it off of her. She hasn't done too bad with not licking the stitches, and since I'm home from school I can keep an eye on her and get her to stop if she starts licking. I'm looking forward to when those stitches come out!

Hope you enjoyed this puppy update!

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