Sunday, March 21, 2021

Welcome Spring!

It's finally spring and we are welcoming it with open arms over here! Bring on all the sunshine and outside. The past few weeks have been a big mix of rain and sun, and we are ready for the sun to stick around (though word on the weather channel is that we are in for more rain this week again). Here's a look back at the past few weeks.

Eric still had basketball until the 13th, so most of our nights and weekends until then consisted of jammie time and couch cuddles. 

We've discovered that Ashley loves Moana, especially when Moana saves the baby turtle at the beginning of the movie. She jams out pretty hard to that soundtrack. 

Brayden loves snack time, and my absolute favorite thing that he does is crawl around the house with his hand stuck in his snack container. If we have cheerios or goldfish for a snack, we end up with crumbs all over the place.

Neither baby is walking yet, but we are getting more and more daring on our transfers between two places, especially Brayden. We always thought Ashley would be the one to walk first because she has shown the most interest, but now we are wondering if it won't be Brayden. We've caught him a couple times standing up not holding on to anything (and when he realizes he is doing this he falls down to the ground). We've gotten both of them to take a few steps between us on their own, but nothing that I would call fully walking yet. I'm sure it won't be long!

We can both sign "all done" pretty well when we are done eating. And I swear Brady's first real word might be "up"- to get picked up to get on the couch ha! I haven't fully committed to that yet, but it's a high contender. We will see how he uses it in the next few weeks before I make it official. They are both using momma and dada so much, but they still use them interchangeably between the two of us at times, so I don't feel confident saying they have those words yet either. 

Madison's birthday was on the 8th, and she blessed us with some beautiful weather. Brayden and Ashley loved visiting her and Ian at the cemetery. 

This month we've started brushing our teeth, and Brady and Ashley both really love it. They usually let me get a good brush in on them before they want the toothbrush and do their own thing.

We've learned some new tricks, including crawling up on the coffee table. They are both pretty proud of being able to do this. They've only fallen off a few times, so I'd call that a success.

Ashley has also started climbing up the rock wall on her own. She can get to the first steps on her own, and with a little help, she can get up to the second row, and from there she climbed up to the third row on her own. We definitely have a climber on our hands!

Brady has also had some climbing fun lately. When it's bath time, I strip them down to their diapers and let them hang out in the bathroom as the tub fills with water. They like to grab their favorite toys and throw them in the bath. I walked around the corner to grab a towel and I hear a big thud. I rush back around the corner to find Brayden in the bathtub, diaper and all, just playing away. Dude couldn't wait two more minutes for me to get him in there ha!

Here's our two little leprechauns on St. Patrick's Day- Eric and I are truly the lucky ones to have them in our lives.


This weekend we've spent lots and lots of time outside. We enjoyed toys at friends' houses and baby ducks too! I'm ready for this warm weather to stick around and make some more memories with our little family. 




And in case you missed some slap happy giggles from Brayden and Ashley that I shared on Facebook earlier this month, I'll share it again here, because who doesn't need some baby giggles in their life!

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