Thursday, December 9, 2021


It's December, so I guess it's time for my November/Thanksgiving post, right? Maybe one day I'll be on top of things and blog in a timely matter. Today, however, is not that day.

I'm extra thankful for my two crazies, Brayden and Ashley. They brought a light I didn't know was missing in myself and have helped heal the holes left by Ian, Madison, and Jordan. 

We spent basically the whole month of November together due to me having Covid and the kids having to quarantine, so we really got to enjoy the nice weather that November gave us. We spent as much time as we could outside, because let's face it, when it gets colder I am not dragging my butt out there to play with them. We walk whenever we can, and Brady and Ashley have loved finding leaves, sticks, rocks, and dirt to play in and with. 

We were even blessed with some cold November puddles for them to splash in. The little things. 

And when we couldn't be outside, we made the most of our time inside too. I'm thankful that though our house is small, it has served us well through life so far.

Ashley has still be obsessed with her baby doll, and Brayden has drawn a liking to the stuffed monkey we got as a joke for a wedding present. That poor monkey has waited 8 years to be truly played with, but Brady is making up for it. It's been a favorite cuddle buddy when he goes to sleep now.

I'm thankful for Eric and our families. We somehow managed to not get a family picture at Thanksgiving this year, but we enjoyed all the food, family, and fun the holiday had to offer.

I'm also thankful for a basement! We watched as our house went from stakes, to a hole, to basement walls, and we've enjoyed having a front row seat to the action. 

I hope that the Thanksgiving holiday left you filled with happiness and all the pumpkin pie your stomach can handle. I know that it did for us. Now we get to look forward to seeing Christmas happen through Brayden and Ashley's eyes, and we can't wait!

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