Saturday, January 7, 2023

Christmas 2022

Since it's now officially the end of the first week of January, a short and sweet Christmas recap is way overdue!

We started our official Christmas celebrations on Christmas Eve at my parents house. Brayden was a typical two year old and didn't cooperate for a photo with my parents, so enjoy this gem of him sitting as far away from them as he could haha.

The kids were spoiled and were really into opening presents, at least at the beginning. By the end, Brayden was definitely over it and didn't even unwrap the small presents that were in his stocking. 

Here are a few photos from our celebration there- and the only ones I think I took of Katie opening any presents. She is the true "second child" when it comes to documenting everything. But hey, I guess I can say I'm living more in the moment now and not so obsessed getting the perfect photo (at least not all of the time). 

That evening we travelled to Altamont to visit with my Grandma Wolf and attempted a "good" Christmas photo.

We kept our tradition of driving through the Effingham light display with the kids, then it was home to put the kids to sleep before we went to mass that evening at St. Thomas. 

After the kids were down, I set up the presents under the tree and had to snap a photo of how peaceful it all looked.

The kids actually let us sleep in a bit Christmas morning. I was so excited because I thought that this would be the year that Brayden and Ashley would be so excited about Christmas and opening their presents, but about the first words out of Brayden's mouth were that he was hungry and wanted to eat breakfast. Absolutely no excitement over the presents under the tree. There's always next year I guess.

We all had a good time opening up our presents, and Brayden and Ashley really wanted to get out and play with each present they opened as they opened them. 


Katie had a pretty laid back first Christmas, which I'm hoping is the way that each of our Christmases continue to go. 

We spent the rest of the day in our jammies, playing with our toys, and enjoying quality family time.

We finally had Christmas with Eric's parents on New Years Day, where the kids were once again spoiled. I think I took one photo while we were there, and it's not even a great one. And if I can get the picture of Dan and Theresa with all the grandkids, you'll see that once again Brayden wasn't feeling pictures and had to sit on my lap to participate. Oh the joys of toddlerhood.

If you're reading this, I hope that you had the best Christmas season and end to your 2022, and that 2023 has been off to a great start so far. Here's to looking towards all the opportunities this year has to offer. 

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