Thursday, June 20, 2024

Baby #7: 33-34 Weeks

It's getting so close to baby month! These past two weeks have been good ones. We've had an ultrasound, t-ball games, and a vacation- and time doesn't look to be slowing down before baby gets here.

A few days after I turned 32 weeks, we had our final ultrasound before baby gets here. Baby was measuring about 4 pounds 11 ounces and had a heart rate of 126. I'm so in love with the 3D images we got of baby and it makes me so excited to see what he or she will look like in a few weeks. 

These past few weeks I can definitely tell I'm getting closer to the end. I'm up to use the restroom two, sometimes three times a night. I've got one single spot of acne on my chin (as of now- we will have to see if that gets worse). And my sciatic nerve has started really bugging me on the right side. I can tell that baby is running out of room in there- it is in my ribs a lot more than it has been before! 

We are in the downhill stretch with so much left to do to get everything ready for baby, but I definitely don't want to rush anything. It's hitting me that this is the last time for all the things, so I'm soaking it in as much as I can. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Baby #7: 27-32 Weeks

 Time for another baby update!

It's been another great 5 weeks with baby #7. I've made it to the point of doctor appointments every two weeks, which means we are getting into crunch time!

These past few weeks baby continues to move like crazy in my belly, though I haven't ever been able to catch it on film. It will move move move, and I pull out my camera to record it and it totally stops. What a little stinker this one is. I will say that the moves are mostly rolls and some pushing/stretching feelings as opposed to kicks. Brady definitely felt baby move this past week. When baby kicked him his eyes lit up and he looked at me with a big smile. I tried to get baby to move for Ashley, but it didn't happen. We will keep trying!

It continues to get harder and harder for me to get up and down and bend over for extended periods of time, which I realized even more when I took on a newborn photo session this past week. I've been to the chiropractor once, and should probably get another appointment scheduled again soon to keep my lower back in check. 

Baby's heartrate has been in the upper 130s-mid 140s the past few times I've been in to the doctor. We have our 32 week scan on Friday so I'm really looking forward to seeing baby again on the ultrasound screen and hopefully getting some good face shots (though I'm trying not to be too optimistic about that one lol). 

We've been camping, I passed my glucose test, and have run the kids around to all the things. I know these last few weeks will involve even more running and even more crazy (and probably even more lower back pain ha). But I am all here for it- bring it on and bring on July!