Sunday, January 8, 2017

Baby #2: 32 Weeks

How far along: 32 weeks

Weight gain/loss: I'm officially up just about 13 pounds. 

Sleep: Still sleeping well.

Rings: On.

Showing: Yep.

Cravings: Just food. Give me all the food. I've been so hungry this week!

Gender: Ultrasound confirmed she still has girly parts.

Best Moment this Week: Feeling Madison kick, move and roll a ton! I've never felt her move so much. What is she doing in there? Haha! I got to see her move around at my 32 week ultrasound on Thursday. Both the ultrasound tech and the doctor commented about how active she was. Good news is that the tiny hole that they thought they saw at her follow-up ultrasound at Carle is no longer there. That was a relief to hear! Bad news is that when they were trying to get all the measurements to guess her weight, she had her head literally buried in my hip bone and would not come out-which means they could not get a measurement of her head circumference. So they took the two measurements they were able to get and plugged them in to their computer and told me she weighs about 3 pounds, 14 ounces. Which Dr. Haller told me at my appointment on Friday is in the 32nd percentile, which I think is pretty good. Her heartbeat seemed to slow down this week. It was only in the 130s at my appointment (well it was 160 when I had my ultrasound, which they said they weren't surprised about since she was moving so much). I'm guessing that during my appointment with Dr. Haller she was just chilling out in there, hence the lower heartbeat. 

Looking Forward To: Sharing my favorite maternity pictures with you this week! I seriously LOVE them all. I don't know how I'm going to pick which ones to get printed. Eric and I also go to our first childbirth class this week. So we will see how that goes!

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