Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Allison: 7 Months

Allison is seven months old! This month was a little more laid back than the last few, but Allie didn't let that stop her from showing us how big she is getting. 

This month her first tooth has popped through! I still haven't managed to get a good picture of it, but its on her bottom right side. 

Allie started sitting unassisted this month. She can't stay sitting for too long before she topples to one side or the other, but she's loving feeling like a big kid.

Speaking of feeling like a big kid, this girl is ready to move. She can turn herself all around, and she's been doing a little scooting forward to get what is just out of her reach. She's started to try to push up to all fours. It won't be long until she is fully on the move!

She celebrated her first Valentine's Day with lots of love from her siblings and mom and dad. She's definitely stolen our hearts. 

One of my favorite funny quirks that Allison does that I've never noticed any of our other kids do is what I like to call "baby crunches". She will lift her head and shoulders up off the ground almost like she is trying to sit up from laying on her back. Girl will have abs before I do ha!

We are wayyyyy behind on food with her, but I did give her a banana to try this month! She is undecided on real food for the time being. 

Favorites for Allison this month include the jumper, the wipes container, anything she can chew on, and being able to see what everyone is doing. She loves giving daddy kisses, and pretty much acts like she's never given kisses in her life when I try to get her to give them to me. And she has the absolute cutest little giggle.

Dislikes include the snot sucker. Aside from that, I really can't think of much else she doesn't like except maybe feeling "left out" if she isn't in the action. 

Allison is in size 6 month clothes, though some of them are getting a little snug, so I'm guessing we will be moving up soon. She is in size 2 diapers, but we are almost out and only have size 3 at the house, so we will be moving up in those too! She's still taking 30 ounces a day, and at this point she is able to hold her bottle on her own, though she would still prefer you do it for her. Her sleep schedule has remained the same as last month too. She weighs 15.6 pounds and is about 26.25 inches long. 

Here's to all the exciting things this next month has in store for Allison!

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