Friday, February 14, 2025

Brayden and Ashley: Five Years

Just recently I was complaining about the ridiculous amount of laundry that we have and how it never stops. (Like seriously, when will it ever stop!?) Eric was quick to tell me that it was better than the alternative, no laundry at all. And while I really wanted to just wallow in my pity party, it took me back to just over five years ago when I would have given anything in the world to have the laundry I have now. 

And then, five years ago, it happened. The start of all the laundry. All the love. All the tears. And laughs. And screams. And cuddles. 

The most beautiful sound we had ever heard happened. The tiniest newborn cries of Brayden and Ashley.

I'm not sure how five years have gone so quickly. I mean for crying out loud they had to have just been born like last week, right? And yet, I often find it hard to remember what life was like before they were here. 

Our big five-year-olds. A whole hand big. 

Let's start with Brayden, since he bested Ashley out for the oldest child by one minute. (Probably to make up for the fact that Ashley hogged the majority of the room in my stomach for the duration of my pregnancy.) This kid has the biggest heart I've ever seen. He is such a lover, and is the best brother to his sisters. He often tells me that I'm the "best mommy ever", and loves to give Allie kisses any chance he gets. 


His big heart can leave him with some big emotions. He hates doing something wrong and you being disappointed in him. He doesn't often get angry, but he can give up pretty quickly if he doesn't get something right away. 

He loves his boys nights with daddy. And ice cream and a trip to the park is what makes him the happiest. And maybe a trip to McDonald's ha!

He prefers going by Brady instead of Brayden. He is really interested in drawing/art and loves building things. He has recently gotten into building ramps with his magnatiles for hotwheels cars, but also enjoys using them to build the coolest towers and robots. He got new legos for Christmas and has loved building with those too.

His favorite shows are Spidey and His Amazing Friends and Paw Patrol. He loves him some sour patch kids as a snack. And if we are having pizza for dinner, he has to have Totino's party pizza instead of our typical Tombstone one. He is a morning person and is often the first one out of bed on the weekend, and already acts too big for hugs and kisses from mom in public (though he is the biggest lover/snuggler once we are home). 

And Ashley, our firecracker. Just in the last few months she has just seemed so big, even more so than Brayden somehow. She's really lost her "toddler" look and is looking more and more like a big kid every day. When she wears her hair up, I swear she looks 10. 

Ashley is much slower to get up in the morning, and usually requires me taking her covers all the way off and coming in to get her up again about 5 times in the morning before she is up for school. We are in it with this one when she's a teenager I feel. But while she may be slower to wake up, she is definitely ready to do all the things. She's been in a dance/tumble class this year where she didn't know anyone, and that has really helped bring her out of her shell and give her a little more courage to try new things. 

While Ashley doesn't resemble Eric quite like Brady does, she does take after his love of all the music. She has definite favorite songs- Call Me Maybe, Party in the USA, Shake it Off, Believer, Burn it Down, just to name a few. If there's a song that she likes but doesn't know the words, she will have me play it two or three times in a row so she can try to learn them.

She loves to draw/color and do arts and crafts. She loves when I paint her nails and likes to tell me how to do her hair in the morning. Favorite shows include Spidey and Paw Patrol, and she is also a big fan of Sour Patch Kids as a snack. She used to call McDonald's "Old McDonald's", but has already stopped doing that and it definitely makes Eric and I sad. 


Ashley is a lot quicker to tell a lie so she doesn't get in trouble, and has a little more attitude than her brother. But she is also the biggest helper to me, especially with Allie and Katie, and loves with all her heart. 

Brayden and Ashley, the last five years with you have been the best years of our lives. And while you may drive us crazy, you also remind us to slow down, to cuddle more, to play more, and to love more. We couldn't imagine what life would be like without the two of you in it, and we are so excited we get a front row seat to continue watching you grow!

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