Friday, July 26, 2024

Allison: One Week

Well the fastest week of my life has come and gone- our Allison is one week old! Somehow time goes the fastest when you are staying at home cuddling a newborn baby. Who knew?

The kids are still absolutely in love with her, even if they have a little trouble always remembering her name. Honestly Katie seems to be the one who remembers it the most, and hearing her sweet little voice say "Allie", which sounds a lot like "owie", melts my heart.

Brayden is still smothering her in kisses, Ashley is still wanting to give hugs and kisses every chance she can, and Katie has been asking to hold Allie a lot at home. They have been the best big siblings to her, and I can't wait to see how their bond continues to grow. 

Allison had her first doctor's appointment on Friday, and basically slept through the entire thing. She is now 19.75 inches long and weighs 7 pounds 10 ounces. She hasn't quite made it up to her birth weight yet, but her doctor isn't worried and said she should be there very soon. 

I snuck in time for newborn photos this week. I don't have many edited, but here are a few favorites so far!

She is eating 2 ounces every 2-3 hours. Her wake windows are all over the place right now, but I guess that's to be expected as she's still trying to figure everything out. Some times she is awake for almost an hour, how I have no idea. And other's she is awake maybe five minutes before going back to sleep. She'll figure it out eventually. This first week here she has been pretty awake around 1 or 2 in the morning after that feeding. Eric and I had been taking turns sleeping with her because she absolutely would not sleep in her crib. I'm very thankful that I think we are on the downhill slide on that one. We discovered that she loves a double swaddle at night- her velcro swaddle with a muslin blanket swaddle on top of that, and that has given us up to 4 hours between feedings at night. Not always, but we are on the right track. 

I also want to remember that Allison has the cutest little dip in her left ear, and also the worst lip tie I've ever seen. 

She has hiccups all.the.time, and has incredible neck strength when you hold her up to your shoulder.

It's so bittersweet watching the days pass by with her, knowing how much fun is to come, but also knowing that we won't ever be in this stage again. Here's to soaking it all in as much as we can!

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