Thursday, July 18, 2024

Baby #7: 37-38 Weeks

We are in the ultimate crunch time now, and baby, we are SO ready for you!

These past two weeks have gone faster than ever, and we've been working hard to get everything done before baby makes his or her arrival. We are definitely 100% more prepared for this baby than we were for Katie. 

I've had two non-stress tests, and baby passed both with flying colors. This was the test that Katie failed and ended us up in the hospital with an earlier than expected delivery, so I made sure to bring a packed bag with me both times, just in case. Luckily they weren't needed.

And while Eric and I are preparing around the house for baby's arrival, the kids are also realizing that change is coming and have been doing little things that make me so excited to see them with their new sibling. Katie is constantly laying her head on my belly, pulling up my shirt, and giving baby a kiss. It is the absolute sweetest thing.

Brayden loves to blow raspberries on my stomach and always asks if it is tickling the baby. And usually, baby does move around after he does that, so I guess that it is tickling the baby. He has been giving my belly hugs and telling baby how much he loves it. He has the sweetest heart.

And Ashley has also been giving baby a little extra love here and there, making sure to snuggle up to my stomach when we are cuddling, and giving it little love pats while she is watching TV. Sometimes I'm not even sure she knows that she's doing it. She's going to be the best helper and the best big sister.

Baby, we are all SO excited to meet you oh so soon. While I'm going to miss the rolls and kicks and punches, I'm definitely looking forward to having a little more mobility again, not having to get up 5 times during the night to pee, and finally getting to snuggle up on the little face I've been dreaming about since last fall. 

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