Sunday, July 7, 2024

Baby #7: 35-36 Weeks

It's baby month!! We are so close to baby, and every day we get a little more done to prepare for his or her arrival. But don't be fooled that we are actually ready- we have quite a bit to do still ha!


These past two weeks have been full of fun, which has helped them go quickly. Eric and I took a day date to St. Louis with some friends to see Nate Bargatze, and then stopped for dinner in Vandalia at the Blind Society. 

We took the kids to the fair where strawberry shakeups were once again a winner, and the twins even got to help wash off a pig (thank you Finleys!). 

Eric and I's newest nephew and the kids' newest cousin was born, and the kids finally had the chance to meet him after I took some newborn photos of him. 

My dad went with me to take the kids to Aikman Wildlife Center, where the wagon ride through the animals was the clear favorite of the day.

And the twins had their final t-ball game of the year. We came a long way from the tears and uncertainty during that first practice, and Eric and I had to remind ourselves many times that this is the first time they've ever been on a team and participated in something like this. It wasn't long until they were doing flips in the outfield (Ashley), laying on the bases after they ran to each one (Brayden), throwing dirt around, and me yelling at them to pay attention and watch the ball more times than I can count. But each game they did pay just a little bit more attention, actually running towards the ball and fielding it a few times. I don't think we are ever going to be the star players on a baseball/softball team, but I at least have hope that we might enjoy team sports and will put forth an effort to do well. 

As for myself, my sciatic nerve pain had definitely amped it up a notch, and I'm thankful Sam was able to fit me in for an adjustment as I have felt so much better since then. I'm now up maybe 4-6 times throughout the night trying to get comfortable and using the restroom, and still just have that one pimple on my chin. Baby has continued to like to stretch up and move in my ribs, and even in my right hip, which hurts something fierce if I'm sitting in the wrong position. The twins are loving to try to feel baby move, and will ask me if it's moving all the time. Katie seems to be understanding that there really is a baby in my belly and is loving giving it kisses, though she is a firm "no" when we asked if baby could sleep in her room once it is sleeping through the night. 

Baby's heartrate my last two appointments has been in the mid 120's- 130's. 

We have just a few weeks left with so much to do- bottle and pump parts need cleaned, windows in the nursery need covered until the blinds we finally ordered come in, the car seat needs cleaned and installed, hospital bags need packed, and names need hammered down. What we do have ready are hearts and arms full of love ready to shower on this little miracle we will be meeting in just a few weeks!

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