Saturday, April 10, 2021

Easter Fun

What a few fun weeks we have had over here! It seems like time keeps going faster and faster with these two, and I'm ready for it to slow down any time now. I don't see that happening any time soon, so I guess we will embrace the way time flies and live in every moment we can- at least that's what we have been trying to do.

We got in the Easter spirit coloring eggs at both Dan and Theresa's house and my mom and dad's. Brayden and Ashley didn't seem too super interested in coloring the eggs, but neither was Emmy so I'm sure they are still a little bit too young for it. But Grant seemed to really enjoy doing it, so that made all the mess worth it! 

By the end of the day Ashley did want to drop the eggs into the color. And by drop I should say throw, because that's what she really did with them ha. I really had to help her gently put the eggs in the cups so we didn't end up with cracked eggs and color everywhere. 

Brayden seemed more interested in trying to eat the eggs than do any sort of coloring with them. 

A few days later we went to my mom and dad's to color eggs there too! This time Brayden and Ashley seemed to get the idea of it, and Ashley was alllll over it. She loved dropping eggs in the color and helping my dad get them back out. 

Brayden still wasn't very interested. He enjoyed rolling eggs in the cool whip with food dye (which realllllly stained their skin- we have to get mom some less saturated dye for next year!). He also still enjoyed trying to eat the eggs. And snacks. He had a good snack break during our egg coloring. 

While Easter still seemed a little different than normal, I was so happy that we were able to celebrate with our extended families! First up was the Blievernichts, and for most of them, it was the first time they had seen Brayden and Ashley in person, which just blows my mind. The kids (mostly Brady) enjoyed the candy hunt in grandma's front yard. I think this guy crawled around with the starburst in his mouth and another one in his hand for a majority of the hunt. 

Up next was the Floods. Brady and Ashley LOVED playing outside on their playset, inside in the corn pit, and the egg hunt. By the end of the night we had two wore out babes.




Easter Sunday we tackled church in our Sunday best. It was fun to get everyone so dressed up. Don't mind the lack of smiles, I think we were still a little sleepy.

Then we headed to the Wolf Easter. The weather was absolutely beautiful, and we all enjoyed a wonderful afternoon playing outside enjoying the sunshine. We unfortunately didn't make it to the Schackmann Easter since it was the same time as the Wolf Easter, but we will catch them all soon I'm sure.

The Monday following Easter I still had off work, so I decided that would be the perfect day to give the kids their Easter baskets. I mean, they have no clue they didn't get then ON Easter, so it's fine. We got swings for outside, sunglasses, crocs, bubbles, a book, a fun carrot game, and my mom made them their Easter baskets (she's pretty dang talented). This is the best picture I could get, and I've accepted the fact that I will probably never get a cute picture of my kids together again ha!

Since then we've been soaking up the sunshine when we can here at home. My favorite thing to do on a nice warm day is have our snack outside when we get home from daycare. These two crack me up.


When we have to be inside, we definitely soak up the cuddles on the couch (or the recliner in Eric's case). 

Both Brayden and Ashley have become masters at their ring stacking toy. They don't get them in the right order, but they are able to get the rings on the pole. We both love to look at books, and they will both bring a book to you to have you read it.


We still aren't walking yet, but we are both standing without holding on to anything, and are taking steps between Eric and I, so it won't be long at all before they are off for good!

I've officially decided Brady's first word- dog! He sees the dog's and says, "a daw!", without fail, every time. Other favorite words between the two of them are dog/doggie, up, mama, dada, uh-oh, duck, and yeah. 

We love watching Moana and being outside. I'm pretty positive poor Brady got momma's allergies, so he gets Zyrtec every morning to try to keep those under control. We are also both still drooling like crazy, so we will be rocking the drool bibs for the foreseeable future. We've been couped inside long enough this winter- bring on the outside fun!