Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Katie: Two Months

It's been two months with this sweet girl, and we are loving every moment! 

We started this month with her first Fourth of July. We went to the Dieterich parade, but you won't see a picture of Katie there because it was HOT and she ended up in the car with the A/C on with her aunt Nikki.  

Katie finally got to meet her great grandma Flood, and got in lots of cuddles with her.

She is starting to smile a lot more, which we just love. I've caught her shooting smiles at Brayden and Ashley, which just makes my heart so happy. I hope she loves them as much as they both love her!

We haven't had our two month appointment yet, but my measurements at home show that Katie weighs 11 pounds 6 ounces and is about 22.5 inches long. I'll update with official stats once we have our appointment on Friday.

She is wearing size one diapers. She was in newborn clothes all month, but has been wearing 3 month sleepers the past few weeks. And just today I got out the rest of the 3 month tote.

Katie still loves to poop right after we put a fresh diaper on her, and she usually poops the most in the morning. 

Our current schedule- up at 6:30/7, bottle, down for a nap at 8/8:30, up at 10, bottle, nap at 11ish, up at 1, bottle, nap at 2ish, up at 3:30/4, bottle. Then we take little catnaps and have weird wake windows until we go down for the night, but she usually wants to eat around 6, and then again around 7:30/8, when we put her down to bed after finishing that last bottle. She's actually starting to sleep through the night a little here towards the end of this month, getting up anywhere between 4 and 6, which I am totally happy with!

Katie is drinking 5 ounces in her bottles now, but will occasionally leave an ounce or so in a bottle, especially in the evening.

She loves being held, especially at the end of the night. 

She enjoys tummy time as long as it is on your chest. She will hold her head up and look around. She is not a fan of tummy time on the floor though. 

She likes her swing (when the music is on) and has started staring at the star mobile on it. 

She's not a fan burping and reallllly makes Eric and I work for a burp. I didn't appreciate how easily Brayden and Ashley burped when they were babies ha!

We are looking forward to seeing what this next month has in store for her. I know I'll be soaking up my last month at home with her as much as I can.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Jam Packed June

What a fun filled month June was! When I was thinking back on last month, I thought we kept it pretty low key. But when I looked at all the photos (read fun) we had, I was happily mistaken. 

We started the month with lots of Katie cuddles, which shouldn't surprise anyone. 

I know I've said it before, but Brady and Ashley are totally smitten with Katie. They both ask where she is at as soon as they wake up, and Brady will get right up in her face and exclaim, "Hiiiiiii Katie". 

Brayden often asks to hold her by putting a pillow on his lap, pointing to it, and saying "Katie", which then causes Ashley to want a turn to hold her as well.

Ashley prefers to help out in every way she can, getting diapers, holding bottles, putting new bottles in the fridge and used bottles in the sink. She really is such a big help.

We spent lots of time outside last month. Some favorites were chalk drawing and wiggle car riding.

On Father's Day weekend, we spent Saturday afternoon at Dan and Theresa's house where Brayden and Ashley had lots of fun with their cousins in the bounce house and little pool. 

Early that next week we went to my mom and dad's to celebrate with my dad. The kids enjoyed being pushed on some little bikes.

Fair week we ventured to the livestock barns to check out all the animals. Ashley proudly exclaimed, "I like cows" multiple times that day. We also found out that they like corn dogs and lemon shake-ups. I think they drank more of our drinks than Eric and I did. 

My mom and dad's pool had been calling my name, and we enjoyed some time swimming in it. Ashley is turning out to be a little fish. Brayden has been showing some resistance in wanting to get into the pool, but once we can finally coax him in, he always has a blast. His favorite thing is to use the pool noodle on the water jet to spray water everywhere. 

The month ended with a trip to Aikman Wildlife Adventure with my dad. Brayden and Ashley loved walking around and looking at all the animals, and their favorite thing was feeding the deer, cows, goats, and sheep. I think my dad enjoyed the trip about as much as the twins did. 

And finally, a little update on the house. We (finally) have siding completed and at the end of the month they poured our back patio! It won't be long until we can actually live in there.

July is already shaping up to be just as fun and exciting as June, so stay tuned!