Saturday, May 21, 2022

Baby #6: Weeks 35-37

We're starting to get to crunch time, and it's crazy to think that at 37 weeks I was having the twins. I'm hoping this baby hangs in there a few more weeks so I can finish out this school year!

At 35 weeks I had another ultrasound to check in on baby, and it's doing great in there. Baby measured 5 pounds 10 ounces and had a heart rate of 160 beats per minute. 

And can we just admire these precious ultrasound pictures (and look more and more into how much this baby resembles Brady!). 

Week 36 I had a non-stress test, and I thought for sure I was failing that thing. Baby moved in the car like the whole way to my appointment. But for what seemed like the first ten minutes of being hooked up to the machine, nothing. It must have decided it was nap time. They brought me some ice water and that helped wake baby up and get it moving. Dr. Haller checked my cervix, and I was dilated to a one at that appointment. I know a lot can change quickly, but I'm guessing that means I still have a few more weeks before this baby's arrival. 

Yesterday I was 37 weeks and had another ultrasound. They didn't measure how big baby was, but it had a heartbeat of 122. It must have been relaxing in there.  

I still have some crazy acne on my chin, around my nose, and in between my eyebrows (like seriously, why are there pimples there?!) thanks to baby giving me some crazy oily skin here recently. And I just want to give a huge shoutout to Sam who literally saved my butt when she adjusted me two weeks ago and then today for my sciatic nerve pain. My body thanks you! I'm also getting up about 3 times a night at this point to use the restroom and find another comfortable position. I even ended up in the hospital yesterday to get checked for a blood clot in my leg since my left leg is a lot more swollen than my right. Thankfully there's not a clot in there. I even gained 5 pounds since last week, which I'm guessing is water weight. I know this will all be worth it soon enough!