Friday, August 26, 2022

Katie: Three Months

Here we are, three whole months with our sweet girl. It still blows my mind how crazy fast life moves once you have kids. Can't she stay this little forever?

This month ended up being a very laid back one, thanks to all of us getting Covid and having to stay home for a while. Thankfully Eric was the only one who had symptoms, and he just ran a fever and felt bad for a couple days. I really thought that Katie might avoid it since Eric and I wore a mask around her, but the twins love her SO much that they wanted to get her sick too. I feel like that will be a common occurrence from here on out!

Regardless, we had a fun month watching our Katie grow. She found her hands this month and has been found sucking on her fists, especially at the end of the day. She's also started really kicking her feet around this month, but has yet to find her toes. 

We finally moved into the new house this month (a post on that will be coming), so we were able to get out some of the "baby" things that were already packed away, like her playmat. Katie absolutely loves batting at the animals hanging down from it and gives some huge smiles when she is playing on it.

Speaking of smiles, Katie has really started smiling a ton this month. She loves when I tell her "I love you" and when I sing to her. We even heard her giggle when she was playing with Eric! She's been doing some cooing and practicing with other noises as well. It won't be long before she's babbling up a storm.

Katie is not a fan of the hours between 5 and 7 PM. She really wants to be held that entire time and fights a nap so hard. Thankfully Erin has been letting us borrow her baby carrier, and that thing has been an absolute lifesaver. I'm ordering one for myself soon. I really don't know how you can survive a baby with toddlers in the house already without on of these things. It pretty much instantly calms her down, and I'm able to play with the twins/cook dinner/do basically anything I need to do. It's a win-win. 

Katie does enjoy an outfit change, as I usually have to change her at least once a day due to a blowout. I would say 5 of 7 days a week I'm changing her after her 10 o'clock bottle due to a blowout up her back. Never fails. She even had a blowout during her cousins Jack and Austin's baptism at church last week. I will always have an extra outfit for her in the diaper bag, that's for sure!

This month Katie showed us she can roll from her belly to her back. She's been tolerating tummy time on the floor much better this month too.

We are in 3 month clothes and are wearing size one diapers. We are fans of bath time and snuggles with mommy. 

Bottle wise, we are drinking five 6 ounce bottles a day with a size two nipple. I've been able to keep up with Katie milk wise, so no formula for her as of now, and we have a good stash in the freezer as well! She is a painfully slow eater at times (much like Ashley was as a baby), and needs burped quite a bit. If she is cranky after eating, it's probably because she needs burped again. She is also a dribbler when she eats, and if you don't put something under her chin, her shirt will be soaked after she's done eating.

Our current schedule is up around 7, bottle, nap 8/8:30ish till 10, bottle, nap 11:30-1, bottle, nap 2:30-4, bottle, then a small little cat nap around 6 (usually either in the carrier or the swing), then a bottle and bed around 8. She has been sleeping through the night about all month, which has been so nice! She loves being swaddled, and will sometimes end up with a hand up by her face when she wakes up. 

We have no official measurements from the doctor for this month, but from our measurements at home, Katie is weighing around 12 pounds 6 ounces and is measuring about 23 and a half inches long. 

I go back to work on Monday, so I'm soaking up these last few days of time at home with her as much as I can. 

And just for fun, here's a little side by side of her and Ashley's three month photos (since I obviously love this onsie so much I used it for both Ashley and for Katie ha!)


Monday, August 1, 2022

Fun in the July Sun

We had lots of fun in (and out of- this month was HOT) the July sun. Let's take a look back, shall we?

Our month started with a little Fourth of July fun. I had the crazy idea that I wanted to go to the Dieterich parade. I'd never been to it before, and I definitely underestimated how big it would be. And how miserably hot it would be. But I do think that the twins enjoyed it. Katie enjoyed the air conditioning from the car with her Aunt Nikki and cousin Austin. Brayden and Ashley waved at every float that went by, and ate more popsicles than they probably should have (kuddos to the floats passing those out!). So even though we were all sweaty messes by the time the parade was finished, I think it was all worth it. We'll see if I get the crazy notion to try it again next year.

We spent some time enjoying that hot July sun in my mom and dad's pool. 

Ashley is a little fish and has really grown more confident in the water this month. She is even floating around by herself (in her puddle jumper and in a baby float) and is using her legs to kick and move herself around. 

I haven't decided if Brayden really likes swimming or not. After finally realizing that part of his resistance to go swimming was that he didn't like his swim trunks and much preferred to just wear his regular shorts, he has done much better. He refuses to wear his puddle jumper so when he is in the water, he is attached to my hip. And when he is in the water, he pretty much only wants to use a pool noodle on the jet to spray water on everyone else in the pool. The last time we were there swimming he also became very brave (or possibly reckless) and wanted to keep jumping into the pool from the side. We are really going to have to watch this one when we are out by the water, and hopefully we can get him used to wearing that puddle jumper so I'll feel a little better about him around the water.

We've also spent time at Eric's mom and dad's house playing on all their fun toys. Their wiggle cars are a clear favorite, and we ride them every time we are there. 

They really love all the concrete and sidewalk that Dan and Theresa's house has to offer, and Eric and I are excited have a big concrete pad and sidewalk of our own soon. 

In fact, our back patio was finished at the beginning of July, and we've been testing out our balance bikes on it. We haven't gotten the hang of our bikes yet, but they don't seem to really mind.

Thanks to all the rain we've had recently, we've been able to play in the waterway in our yard. Brayden and Ashley absolutely love walking through the water, apparently sitting in it. Seeing the joy on their faces was so worth the mess they were after they were done playing.

In addition to playing in the July sun, because of the crazy heat and rain, we also spent plenty of time out of it. We celebrated Grant's birthday with a trip to the bowling alley. Brayden and Ashley both really enjoyed rolling the ball down the lane. Ashley would jump up and down after seeing the pins she knocked over, and Brayden wanted to help everyone roll their ball. Brady did eventually lose interest, but Ashley kept at it until our game was done.

We cuddled up a lot on the couch and recliner together.

And Brayden and Ashley even enjoyed laundry basket races through the living room and kitchen. 

And a little update on the twins. Ashley is becoming quite the big girl lately. She's basically potty training herself, and has gone pee on the potty quite a lot the past few weeks. She's been using the potty at Amanda's house, and has even been wearing underwear (under her diaper) most days. She will usually keep it dry until around lunch time. We think she gets so focused on eating that she isn't thinking about not going pee in her diaper. She still likes to do everything herself, and has recently started asking "why" about everything, to which she usually answers, "because, mommy?", like that's the answer she wants me to give her. I do always give her an actual answer, but sometimes she just wants to hear "because", so that's what I tell her. She has started calling Brady 'Brayden Michael', I'm assuming from us calling him that when he's getting in trouble. And she absolutely loves Katie and helping out in any way she can with her. 

Brayden is still the biggest momma's boy there ever was, but he does enjoy a good horsey ride on Eric's legs. His language skills continue to grow and he is saying 2-3 word sentences. Ashley still blows him out of the water in this area, but he's getting there. His absolute favorite thing lately is tractors, I can't wait till harvest gets here and he can ride in the tractor again with my dad. Brayden loves Katie more than anything. She is the first thing he talks about when he gets up in the morning, and loves showering her with his big slobbery kisses and hugs. Every morning at daycare he has to say hello and goodbye to the chickens and tractor at Amanda's. And in the evenings at home he loves to give me a kiss on the cheek and forehead before he goes to bed. 

July sure was a fun one, and now we are on to August and my last month at home with Katie. Bring on all the fun to come!