Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Baby #2: 17 Weeks

How far along: 17 weeks and 2 days- we made it! Technically, I haven't checked the heartbeat on my doppler since the doctor checked it last Wednesday, but I'm having faith baby is still going strong in there <3

Weight gain/loss: I'm up about 4 pounds since finding out I was pregnant, not too shabby! Grow baby grow!

Sleep: Not too bad this week. We were on vacation from Thursday night through Monday so I didn't get the best sleep while gone, especially since I didn't have a body pillow to put between my legs. That will definitely be a necessity next time I travel while pregnant.

Rings: On.

Showing: Yes, yes, yes! Eric and I have both commented on how much more I am showing this pregnancy. And Erin just told me Monday night that if I wasn't showing yet last week, I definitely am now. Bring on that big belly! 

Cravings: Really nothing inparticular this week.

Gender: I'm having a few more people guess boy, and we will find out next Wednesday! Like holy cow that's almost here! But sorry folks, you all don't get to know until the end of October thanks to Eric being in Japan for a few weeks coming up.

Best Moment this Week: I swear I felt a punch or kick from baby this weekend on vacation. We were sitting on the deck and I was drinking a soda when all of a sudden I felt this pop on my lower right side of my stomach. It was the weirdest thing. I don't know if it was really baby or if it was just gas or something, but it definitely caught me off guard. Another great moment this week was vacation with my family to the Smokey Mountains. Expect a blog post on that this week!

Looking forward to: Catching up with Andreas even more this week. I'm not looking forward to him having to leave next Monday. Also, getting soooooo close to knowing if we are adding another boy or a little girl to our family!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Baby #2: 16 Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks

Weight gain/loss: Still not sure, but I'm betting I'm up a pound or two. I'll find out at my appointment on Wednesday!

Sleep: I slept like a rock this past week, maybe because Eric wasn't there to wake me up with his snoring. I did find that in addition to a body pillow between my legs, I had to add another pillow this week because my hips were really hurting.

Rings: On, even though I don't have them on for this picture for some reason.

Showing: Yep! I've had lots of people comment on my baby bump this week, and lots of people touch it, which never really happened much last pregnancy. I love that so many people love this baby already!  

Cravings: Sticking with salty and sweet again.

Gender: I finally had someone guess that baby was a boy this week! We still have a few weeks until we find out. Hopefully we get to set our scan at my appointment on Wednesday!

Best Moment this Week: I would have to say seeing my sister-in-law get married yesterday. It was a beautiful day for a most beautiful bride and I'm so thankful that Eric and I (and baby) got to be a part of such a special day. I'm so jealous they will be relaxing on the beach in Jamaica this week!!

Looking forward to: My appointment on Wednesday! And getting this week over with with baby's heart still going strong. Pray that this week goes by quickly and that my appointment Wednesday goes smoothly. We really really want to bring this baby home in March!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Baby #2: 15 Weeks

How far along: 15 weeks

Weight gain/loss: I'm not sure. I'm just going to stick with none :)

Sleep: Still sleeping well and still going to bed early. Growing a baby is hard work.

Rings: On! 

Showing: I say yes! (And so does everyone else this past week) Yay to looking pregnant and not just fat!   

Cravings: Salty and sweet again this week. I literally will be eating chocolate, then want some salty chips, then want chocolate/sweet again. It's a vicious cycle.

Gender: We call baby a girl, just like we did the first time around, but no clue if baby is a "he" or a "she". Looking forward to setting our anatomy scan up to find out!

Best Moment this Week: Finally breaking out some maternity pants. Seriously, why do people not wear these all the time- they are so comfy!!

Looking forward to: This week being over so I can see Eric again. He leaves Monday for a work trip and will be gone all week. And then Nikki and Connor's wedding on Saturday. I seriously can't believe it's already here. Baby and I are ready for some dancing!!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Baby #2: 14 Weeks

How far along: 14 weeks

Weight gain/loss: I surely gained a few pounds after the yummy food and ice cream at Brian and Mara's wedding yesterday! So yummy!

Sleep: I've been sleeping good this week. Going to bed at like 8:30/9, so I must really be tired after the first week of therapy! 

Rings: On! 

Showing: I think I miiiight be starting to show. My principal at school on Friday commented on how cute my little baby bump is. And I feel like my stomach is getting harder, which leads me to believe it's becoming more baby than bloat.   

Cravings: Salty and sweet. Not gonna lie, I went and bought a can of Pringles and a box of Hostess cupcakes and ate half the can of Pringles and two cupcakes at work on Friday....

Gender: Who knows! I'm breaking out like I did when pregnant with Ian, but it's a little worse this time (like in addition to my chin I'm also breaking out on my nose and forehead). I also think that I've been nauseous longer this pregnancy than I was last time. I still find myself feeling nauseous a few times a day. Thank goodness for snacks!

Best Moment this Week: Seeing two of our friends from high school finally tie the knot! Such a beautiful wedding and so much fun catching up with friends.

Looking forward to: No school on Monday! And seeing Ashley and Kaci tonight, I just love those girls. Bring on the second trimester!