Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Friendship is Unnecessary...

I know what you're thinking, why is Sharon saying that friendship is unnecessary? What is she thinking? She has friends, right? Yes, I do have friends. Three of the very best friends (along with many others, but this post is mostly about three of them). So why do I say friendship is unnecessary?

It all comes down to this quote by C.S. Lewis:
       "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...it has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival."

Oh how true this quote is. We don't need friends to survive. We need food. Water. Clothing. A place to live. Without friends, we will survive just fine. Will it be as enjoyable? Will it be as fulfilling? I'm going to answer those with a big. fat. NO. 

Because, you see, friendship is what gives our lives meaning. To quote Lewis, friendship "gives value to survival". Friendship gives me a reason to keep going, a reason to believe things will get better, a reason to smile. It gives me a reason to live.

And with friends like mine, who could argue that? 

You see, I've had these three friends, Kaci, Ashley, and Kendra, since high school. Well technically, Kendra and I were also friends in junior high, but I digress. So what makes these friends so great?

They aren't just fair-weather friends. These girls have been there. Through high school drama, cheerleading, chorus, band, musicals, boys, college, engagements, weddings, and even a baby (woohoo baby Emery!). If I need a pick-me-up, a laugh, or to feel loved, I know I can call or text any one of them and my day will instantly be better. They know my deepest darkest secrets, my desires, my short-comings. They know me better than I know myself sometimes. 

Whether it was a camping trip, sleepover, party, phone call, trip to Colorado, egg dyeing, or regular old visit, these girls never fail to make me laugh and remember why life is so good. This past weekend, we even added a picnic to our repertoire of get-togethers. 

I am beyond blessed to be able to call these three ladies some of my very best friends. These are friends I look forward to growing old with. To having play dates with our children. To watching our families and friendships grow and develop into something more than any of us could ever imagine.

So yes, friendship is unnecessary. I don't need it to survive. But I need it to make life worth surviving. And I think these three girls would definitely agree.   

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