Thursday, March 24, 2016

Barn Remodel

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted! Eric's been a busy bee working on the barn, more on that soon, and I've been busy with my photography business, so I guess you could say things are going well.

Eric and I had this crazy idea to remodel one of the barns on our property, and I have to say we are going to have the coolest barn on the block! Eric and his dad and mom have done most of the work, with a little help from my dad and myself (my asthma plus all that dust is not a good combination). Eric's uncle Mike has also helped, and was a huge help in putting in the staircase! We still have a long way to go- some of the bricks are cracked and need replaced, and a footing and surrounding concrete need replaced on the East wall. But, it has come a long, LONG way since they started.

Here's some pictures of the progress being made:


Dan putting up studs to make a wall, closing off the door. 

Stair case is up! Yay for no more climbing up a ladder and opening a hatch to get to the hayloft.

Here's the view facing the same East wall as the first picture.

Looking down the stairs from the hayloft, before the walls were put up to enclose the staircase.

And here's a view from the hayloft. You can see the wall studs that enclose the staircase. Eric is inside the storage area they built in the empty space above the stair opening. 

And a little before and after of where the bathroom will be!

Those wall studs will enclose the bathroom and then a small storage closet.

In addition to all the awesome things already done, everything has brand new wiring and outlets. All the interior walls that don't touch the brick exterior of the barn are studded and insulated. And almost everywhere has light fixtures in place. I'll keep updating as we get farther and farther along!

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