Thursday, September 12, 2019



Ever since seeing this double rainbow on Ian's first birthday, the number two has held a special place in my heart. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen a double rainbow over a single one since Ian's death. And I know that others around me would say the same thing. Two butterflies playing, two cardinals in the yard. Two was all around us.

Two took on a whole new meaning when we learned that Madison would be joining her brother Ian in Heaven. Two babies, both in Heaven.

Two is the number of failed IVF transfers that we had. Two times our hopes were so high, only to come crashing down at that negative test.

Two, that's how many embryos we transferred this last time.

And that's how many heartbeats we heard on the ultrasound four weeks later.

Suddenly two had an entirely new meaning. Because now it meant that we would be bringing two babies into the world. Two times the clothes, two times the diapers, two times the late night feedings. But we will also enjoy two times to smiles, two times the laughs, and two times the love.

And at our most recent ultrasound we received the best news of all. We have two babies with two perfectly round heads. 

There's still so much time left in this pregnancy, and I'd be lying if I said I thought we were totally in the clear now. But every day I get to spend with these two babies makes me even more grateful and even more excited that we will actually get to bring these babies home in February (because let's be honest, I doubt I make it to their due date on March 5). 

Here's to a quick and healthy remainder of this pregnancy. We appreciate any and all prayers you want to send our way!


  1. I’m crying tears of joy for you two! Prayers coming your way!

  2. The very best news!!! Prayers and hugs!

  3. Praise God! Many prayers for you and your family as you continue through your pregnancy!

  4. This is amazing! I know you don't know me, I've followed your blog ever since Madison's passing. I have laughed at your posts and I have cried in my office reading your posts. Today I cried, but such a happy cry, so much so that I passed it onto a coworker and labeled it Happiness. You are an amazing woman and mother to your children, I can't wait to see future posts and the continued smiles on your faces as you glee with joy!


  5. You don't know me, but I have followed your story and prayed for you.

    This news brings tears to my eyes. I am SO insanely happy for you both! I'll continue to say prayers for you and those babies! God Bless!
