Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Brayden and Ashley: First Christmas


A first Christmas is a big deal, and when your mom is a photographer, it involves a lot of pictures! So I thought that this one deserved its own blog post. 


I do have to say, that even though this was one of our most relaxed Christmases ever (thank you Covid), it was also my favorite one ever. Of course I'm sure that has to do with these two cuties here. 

And let's take a quick second to look at that red dress Ashley was wearing a few photos up. It was actually MY first Christmas dress 30 years ago. Who do you think wore it better?

Watching Christmas through their eyes this year was so magical. I know that they have no clue what Christmas is, the true meaning behind the holiday, or why we wouldn't let them (and when I say them I mostly mean Ashley) eat the wrapping paper, but that will all come in time. 

This year was all about spending some quality family time. We stayed in jammies allllll Christmas day and it was glorious. 

We also spent some quality family time with our parents and siblings. I'm sure that they enjoyed spoiling Brayden and Ashley this year. I'm excited to see how family Christmases with them change and evolve as the kids get older. 

Some favorite memories that I want to remember from this Christmas:
  • Ashley wanted to eat all the wrapping paper. That big shred that you pulled off your present? In her mouth. That tiny shard that fell on the floor as you were putting a wad of paper in the trash? In her mouth. The present under the tree that just looked so, I guess I'll say, tasty? In her mouth. I'm hoping that next year we try to eat a little less wrapping paper.
  • Brady wasn't really into opening presents. He would rather play with the things that were already opened.
  • Brady's favorite gift was his dog book. That smile on his face when Eric started reading it to him says it all!
  • Ashley's favorite gift was the Pikler triangle and ramp. She really enjoys climbing up the ramp to stand at the top. She's even starting to try to climb up the rungs from the floor. 

I hope your Christmas was as wonderful and full of joy as ours was! Here's to even more fun to come!

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