Saturday, August 14, 2021

Brayden and Ashley: 18 Months

18 months, how is that possible! I swear that last month Brayden and Ashley were born, and wasn't it just last week that they turned one?! Time is flying and doesn't show any signs of stopping, so we are here enjoying every minute of this wild ride with these two.


Brayden, your smile lights up our world, and those dimples are to die for. Your absolute favorite toy is still a book, and you've started bringing us two books at a time to read to you instead of just one. You do enjoy a good cuddle, but you also like to sit by yourself on the couch too. Your favorite place in the world is outside, and it's so hard to resist taking you out when you bring me a shoe, hold it up to me, and say "shoe" and then lift up your foot for me to put it on you. You are our little explorer, and are often off and out of sight before I can even see where you went. You like to go out onto the road for a walk, but you need to do better about coming to get mom before you do that. You have to stop at the cows and "moo" at them every time we are on the road. And you will go out of your way to stomp in a good puddle. You love finding sticks, the bigger the better, and will carry them all over the yard, and even try to bring them inside. Thanks to your sister you have also become a fan of rocks. You love anything having to do with the dogs, and will still go in for an open mouthed kiss with them when you can. You love to swing and go down the slide, often on your belly, but at least you go feet first. Your favorite words right now are probably "bup" (or "up" in grown up speech), "down" to let you get down and go explore, or "done", especially when I am sucking the snot out of your nose. Your vocabulary isn't as big as your sister's is, but I think part of that is the fact that you rarely want to repeat anything we say. I know you'll get there though, because you love to learn! When we are reading a book, you'll stay on the same page forever, just pointing to different things in the picture saying "that, that". You know a lot of different animal noises, but still say "baaa" for a horse. You know many different body parts, and I think your favorite one is nose, because you really like to grab mommy's! You have been a big help around the house lately, putting your diaper in the diaper pail and your milk cup in the fridge. You like to give Ashley her milk cup if you make it into the living room before she does. You have some big emotions, and you cry over what seems like little things to your daddy and I, but I'm sure they are big things to you. You absolutely hate when I leave you at daycare in the morning. I know it's short lived, but it breaks my heart to hear you cry when I'm leaving (though part of me thinks its just because he wants to go back outside to play ha!). You are wearing 18 month clothes, 2T pajamas, and are in size 5 shoes. Over the summer, you've been getting up at 6:30 or 7, nap around 1 until 4, and then bed at 8 or 8:15. You weigh 30.2 pounds, are 34 inches tall, and have 12 teeth. Mommy and daddy love you, Brady-bug!


Ashley, your little giggle is pure joy to our ears. I hope it always stays that sweet. And your scrunched up nosed smile, I also hope you never lose that. You are a lover of any rock you can find, and trust me sweet girl, you've found a lot of them so far. You never pass up a good cuddle with your momma, and you'll even love up on dad when mom's not around. You love to climb on anything and everything, including us, and seem to have little fear of falling. Much like your brother, the outside is your happy place. You love to swing on the playset, and hold the rope for Cassie to get. You don't care for Cassie licking your face, and you love to sneak up behind Bailey and pet her on her back. "Puppy" is one of your favorite words, along with "bup" (or "up" in grown-up terms), and "hi/bye". When we are outside, we have to stop at the cows and "moo" at them, even if they are across the barnyard. And every car, side by side, runner, or bicyclist on our road gets a big wave from you as they go by. You are a big fan of water, including the pool, water table, bath, and any puddle you see. When we watch your favorite movies, which are Moana and Frozen, you will clap your hands and say "yay!" when they are starting. When the humidity gets your hair or you start to sweat, your hair curls up into the cutest little ringlet curls. These past few weeks you've been such a big help around the house, and love putting your diaper in the trash, your milk cup in the fridge, and your dirty clothes in the laundry basket. You know lots of animal sounds and body parts, with your favorite probably being teeth. You've started saying some names of people in your life, and will repeat about anything we say. You're not a huge fan of vegetables or doing something that wasn't your idea. You have become quite the momma hen, and you love to go over and "console" Brayden when he is crying. And I say "console" because that often means that you are not just patting, but hitting Brady's back. It's the thought that counts though, right?  You are wearing 18 month clothes and are in size 4 shoes. Over the summer, you've been getting up at 6:30 or 7, nap around 1 until 4, and then bed at 8 or 8:15. You weigh 25.8 pounds, are 33 inches tall, and have 11 1/2 teeth (mostly because tooth #12 isn't all the way in yet.. Mommy and daddy love you, stink-pot!

I've come to the conclusion that there will always be toys spread across the living room, random rocks or sticks in our house and cars, and a broken book waiting to be fixed. But I can't complain, Eric and I have waited years for all those things and more, and we can't wait to see what will happen in the months (and years) to come. 

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