Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Katie: 11 Months

Someone please pinch me and bring me back to reality- how is our baby one month away from being one!? This past month was nothing short of so much fun, so let's take a look back, shall we?

Katie celebrated her first Easter this month. She enjoyed playing with her (empty) eggs, and watching Brayden and Ashley gather literally as much candy as their baskets- plus Katie's- would hold. 

And then for the gym of Easter- a classic first Easter bunny encounter picture. I eventually rescued her from that scary bunny ha!

We spent so much time outside this month soaking up that Vitamin D and stretching our legs. 

Speaking of stretching our legs, Katie figured out how to pull up to stand this month (I knew it wouldn't take long for her to get that mastered). She isn't quite brave enough to let go when she is standing there, but just the past few days I've seen her transfer from one kitchen chair to another one. And she is able to get down from standing pretty easily. 

The past few days we've caught her attempting to stand up from a crawling position on the floor. And if you hold her hands, she is taking steps forward to get to where she wants. 

She has started clapping, and if you clap and cheer with her then she gets even more excited. She also points at different things and likes to put her finger in your mouth. 

If you want to see Katie really excited, get her next to Brayden and Ashley. Her face lights up when they are around, and she loves following them everywhere they go. She especially loves going in their room with them to play. I think she feels like such a big kid when she does that. It won't be long before she's jumping on the bed with them instead of just watching them. 

Katie discovered that snacks are life this month, and can eat a veggie straw or yogurt bites with the best of them. She is definitely not as good an eater as Brayden and Ashley were, but she will chow down on her current favorites- pizza, mashed potatoes, or strawberries. 

Favorites for Katie this month include being outside, being anywhere Brayden and Ashley are, mommy, looking out the sliding glass door, standing up, carrying things in her mouth, and watching the puppies from the window. She also enjoys chewing on the remote and sticking her hand in the hole on the lid of our sous vide container. Oh, and blowouts. She is a big fan of blowing out of her diaper so she can have an outfit change. 

Dislikes include grass, the dogs actually getting close to her, wearing socks (she still pulls them off every time she gets in the carseat), and feeling like she is missing out. She still doesn't like having to get ready for bed, but she is such a good sleeper that we can't complain. 

 Katie is wearing size 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. She weighs about 19 pounds and is about 27.5 inches tall.

She has two bottom teeth fully in (and as crooked as can be), one tooth on the top that is about half way through, and I just noticed another tooth on top starting to pop through. 

Katie went back to taking 5 bottles of 6 ounces each this month. I'm about to run out of frozen breastmilk, so soon we will be mixing in some formula with the breastmilk, and then eventually cows milk mixed in. 

Wake window wise, Katie is going about 3 hours between naps. The last wake window before bed might go up to 4 hours. 

Our girl is growing and learning and getting more and more fun every day. Watch out world, in one month Katie will be ONE!

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