Saturday, August 26, 2023

Katie: Fifteen Months

Fifteen months with our Kater-chip have come and gone so quickly, and the past three months have been big ones for Katie. 

She went to her first fair, had her first family photo session, took her first long road trip, took her first steps, went to her first wedding reception, went on her first boat ride, went to her first football game, and graduated to a big kid car seat-wowzers Kate, can we slow things down a bit?

I almost have to laugh at the thought of her slowing down, because I don't see that happening any time soon. Since she's mastered walking, she sometimes is practically running chasing after Brayden and Ashley around the house. 

Katie loves being outside, whether that's on a swing or just exploring the yard. You say the word "shoes" and she is well on her way to the garage door to grab her shoes to put on. And if you try to take them off of her once you are ready to come in- good luck with that ha!

Her favorite words are "momma", "up" (with a huge emphasis on the /p/ sound), and "shoes". She also says "dada" and something that sounds like "this?" that she uses when she is pointing to something. She loves to point at different things and have us tell her what they are. She understands so much, even if she doesn't want to listen. I swear her favorite thing to do is look at you, smile, and turn the other way when you tell her to come to you. She is the orneriest thing ever!

Katie's favorite places to be include anywhere I am, with anywhere Brayden and Ashley are as a close second. It's been fun to watch their bond develop as Katie is able to actually play with them more and more. 

She loves bath time, and when she hears the water turn on, she is in the bathroom pulling at her clothes and diaper to have you take them off. 

Lately she has been a huge fan of blowing raspberries, or even just spitting everywhere. She has been a huge fan of going around with a spoon of some sort in her mouth, but I've noticed that less here at the end of August compared to how much she used to do it. 

Katie isn't a fan of being told "no" or when someone is in her space (or more specifically if Brayden or Ashley get too close to her or try to steal her food).

She has 7 teeth, four on top and 3 on bottom, and those bottom ones sure are crooked! I have a feeling braces are in our future with her. Katie is weighing about 22 pounds and is just over 29 inches tall according to our measurements here at home. 

She is a bright ray of sunshine in our lives, and we couldn't imagine life without this sassy little girl!

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