Saturday, April 30, 2022

Baby #6: 31-34 Weeks

Another month bites the dust, and we are about a month away from meeting baby #6! I've had two ultrasounds the past four weeks, plus lots of fun!

I had an ultrasound at 31 weeks, and while they were waiting for baby to practice its breathing, I got some adorable 3D pictures of our little one! I'm so looking forward to snuggling this little face in a month. Baby was measuring 3 pounds and 11 ounces and had a heartbeat of 158. 

I was curious how this baby's ultrasound looked to our others around this point, so I'm including some comparison pictures. 

This first one is of baby and Madison.

This is of baby and Brayden.

This is of baby and Ashley (and her picture still cracks me up because she was so squished in there that her poor little face just looks so uncomfortable ha!). 

We definitely agree that baby looks the most like Brayden, but we are not sold that that means that baby is a boy. There have been waaaaaaay to many boys born lately for us to feel confident that our baby is also a boy. A girl has to come in there somewhere, right?

Just after turning 31 weeks, Mom and I went to see NCHS's production of Beauty and the Beast. It was so fun to see this take on it and compare it to when we did it when I was a freshman in high school. The next day Nichole and I went to the Fox to watch Hairspray- and we were laughing the whole time. It was a great show! We had Schackmann Easter the next day and the kids got to participate in their only true Easter celebration of the year. 

At 32 weeks, Eric and I were in Florida! It was pretty nice catching some sun and some waves. You can check out that blog post here if you missed it. The kids should have went to a few more Easter celebrations this weekend with our parents, but they ended up sick the entire weekend we were gone. 

33 weeks was another ultrasound for me, and while baby didn't cooperate near as nicely for photos this time around, it is growing right on track! Baby had a heartbeat of 161 and was measuring in at 4 pounds and 4 ounces. Enjoy a little side profile action with its mouth open.

Yesterday we hit 34 weeks and I'm still feeling good! The last few weeks I've started breaking out with some pimples around my nose and chin, and my sciatic nerve has really been bothering me by the end of the day, but other than that I can't complain.

The weeks are winding down and it won't be long now. Baby #6, we can't wait to meet you!

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