Monday, September 26, 2022

Katie: 4 Months

How is our Katie a quarter of the way to one already!? Time sure moves fast when you are having fun, getting big, and learning new things. 

Katie's most exciting event this month was getting baptized, and you can read all about that here if you haven't already.

She still smiles a ton, and now she will even let out a giggle if you get her going. She is starting to babble up a storm, I'm looking forward to hearing what she has to say. Right now it's a lot of "ah ah ah's", so we'll see what sounds she adds this month. 

She is currently in 3 month clothes and size 2 diapers. We bumped up her nipple size to a 3 and that has really helped speed up her eating. We also discovered that she can go a while longer between feedings and doesn't always need to eat right after waking up. If she doesn't take the bottle right away, give her 30 minutes or so and she usually takes it all pretty quickly. She (thankfully) has also stopped needing to be burped so much. In fact, I don't burp her at all until she is done with her bottle, or until she pushes it away and doesn't want to eat anymore. She is still a dribbler though, so she gets a drool bib when she eats. 

Katie has loved sitting up in her sit me up seat to see what all is going on around her. She loves it when you stand her up and let her look around that way too. She locks her legs and does a great standing on her own if you give her some balance support, all with a huge smile on her face. I've caught her smiling at Brayden and Ashley playing by her, I know she can't wait to join in with them soon. 

Katie is still a fan of the swing and her play mat. Brayden and Ashley like to take the animals off her playmat to play with themselves, so sometimes she ends up with nothing up there to grab onto, but such is the life of the third child I suppose. Her favorite animal to grab has been the monkey. She likes to pull on it and will suck on it's feet or tail. 

Speaking of pulling on things, this girl loves a good hair pull, and she has a tight grip. She's started grabbing onto the O-ball with a little help from me. She also is starting to bring lots of things to her mouth, and loves to suck on her pacifier and her fingers, she's even started getting just that thumb in there, so we might be in for another thumb sucker with this one. A few days ago I noticed she had her toes in her hands, so I'm looking forward to her grabbing those more.

Katie really loves music and being sung to, especially when her daddy does it. 

Loud, unexpected noises will still bring on a good cry from Katie, and she also doesn't like when she is in the carseat in the van and it isn't moving. Other than that, I haven't found much that she doesn't like yet.

At home Katie is measuring 14.2 pounds and is 24.25 inches tall. We go to the doctor Tuesday for her four month check so I'll update with those stats once I have them. 

She is taking five 6 ounce bottles, one around 6, one around 9-10, one around 12:30-1, one around 4-5, and one around 730. She is awake for  an hour and a half to two hours before going down for a nap. She is still swaddled for naps and bed, but I know once we stop swaddling her she will be sucking on those fingers, because I've seen her wriggle her hands out of the swaddle and have them up by her mouth when going to in to get her some times. 

Here's to looking forward to all the fun that our next month will bring!

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