Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Season of Thanks

When November rolls around, you can't help but feel a little extra thankful for what you've got. Maybe it's the cooler weather keeping us all inside together, or the family gatherings we are attending, or maybe it's none of that at all. Maybe it's just a good time to sit back and reflect on the good that God has blessed us with before the craziness of December hits. Regardless, I'm feeling a little thankful today.

Thankful for this beautiful house we built, knowing our kids' memories will come from growing up inside (and out of) these walls. And extra thankful for the garage that allows me to load and unload all the things without the threat of any type of weather.

Thankful for Brayden, lover of all things dinosaurs, tractors, monsters, and diggers. And Katie, I can't forget how much he loves Katie. Thankful for how much he loves his momma, even though at times I wished he loved me a little less. I'm already dreading when he no longer needs my kiss to make his owies feel better or wants to snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie. I'm thankful for his love of books and music- the boy can sure bust a move.



Thankful for Ashley, the queen of independence. She might be a tattle tale (Brayden does everything bad in our house ha!), but she's smart, and loving, and ornery as can be. I'm thankful for her desire to try new things, and how much she loves a hug and kiss before you leave or when she's going to bed. She's already grown up so much in the past month with not wanting me to tuck her in at night (shutting the door herself if a huge deal right now), so I need to do everything I can to keep her little forever. 



Thankful for Katie, our "golden child" and true ray of sunshine. Thankful that she loves to smile, and giggle, and let Brayden smother her with his love (and feet. He loves to put his feet on her for some reason). Her face lights up when you walk into the room and say hello to her, and she is learning and growing every day. 


Thankful for our families. They have always stepped up when we needed it, whether it be for a sick kid, to let Eric and I have a kid free night out, or just loving them with their whole heart. I know I'll never be able to repay them for all that they do for us. 

Thankful for friends. The ones who we see often. The ones who we only see a few times a year but talk to much more than that. True friendship is a rarity, and I believe we've struck gold with ours. 

Thankful for Eric and this life we've built together. It's far from perfect, but it's ours. All the craziness, all the grief, all the laughter, all the love. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Oh, and I can't forget good ol' Photoshop. I'm eternally grateful for that for allowing me to have somewhat decent family photos ha!

And for all of that, I'm Thankful.

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