Saturday, December 17, 2022

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

December came in hot and it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. So we are embracing the crazy and fully getting in the Christmas spirit.

We started the month taking the twins to the Santa train. 

They didn't really grasp the concept of Santa last Christmas, but this year they recognize him and realize he has to do with Christmas. They were excited about seeing him, but the long line about tested their patience. Thankfully Spiderman was able to perk Brady back up and get him in the mood again.

Before long it was finally our turn to get our tickets and get on the train. 

Brayden wouldn't sit on Santa's lap, but Ashley was all about it. 

Brady did think being on the train was pretty cool and was looking out the window and waving.

It was the perfect way to start our December, and we haven't quit since then!

Ashley is a huge fan of Christmas lights, insisting that we look at them every night on our way home from Amanda's house. She'll talk about how pretty they are and how much she likes them. We made a stop at the bridge one night after daycare. I thought I'd get a picture of the kids in the sleigh with the lights in the background, but my children had other ideas, so I opted for a picture of me and my light loving girl instead.

We've driven through our park's lights and last week I took the kids to Olney while Eric was at a basketball game to look at their lights. We were big fans, and I have a feeling we might be making a return trip there this year still. We always do Effingham's lights on Christmas Eve, so I know they will love those as well this year.

We are also big fans of having our Christmas tree lights turned on. Brady is quick to tell me in the morning that the tree is off, and he wants me to turn them on as soon as we get home in the evenings. They also think every time they wear Christmas jammies we need to get a picture in front of the tree, which I'm totally down for. 

Another favorite is having our wise men follow the star around our house as it gets closer and closer to the manger, where it will be Christmas morning. If you haven't hear of Star from Afar you should definitely check them out. Way better (and easier) than the elf, and it has a great meaning behind it.

Last Saturday we celebrated Austin turning one by enjoying some bowling and cake. We somehow managed to not get a picture with the birthday boy, but enjoy a rare picture of Eric and Emmy and one of me and Jack.

And also this one of Brady eating Austin's cake. This boy loves him some cake.

Last Sunday was gingerbread house making day! I'm hoping this turns into a good competition every year, but for now we settled for interestingly decorated houses with a little too much weight on the roofs.

They were both so proud of their houses and absolutely loved helping put icing on them and loading them up with sprinkles. 

The icing was also a big favorite on its own.

Ashley loved putting icing on the roof a little too much and discovered what happens when houses are shadily put together ha! She was pretty sad that our house collapsed, but that didn't stop her from continuing to load it up with icing.

Brayden on the other hand happily took his house apart so he could try it out. He approved. 

And for good measure, here's the finished houses before the total destruction.

This morning we decorated the twins' little Christmas tree with their yearly ornaments. They were so proud of how they hung their garland. 

I should have left it how they had it, but the OCD in me couldn't do it ha! Maybe next year. 

Tomorrow we have our first Christmas celebration of the year with my Dad's side. Bring on the crazy!

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