Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Katie: 7 Months

Katie is seven months old, and each month I think that it can't get any better with her, and then it does. Here's a little recap of our past month together!

Katie celebrated her first Christmas this month. She might not have understood the reason we celebrated, or even cared at all about opening any presents, but seeing her little smile sure reminded me why I am thankful for our Savior's birth. 

We also tried food out for the first time this month. Katie is absolutely not a fan of food. Every single thing that I've given her has been met with the face you see below. 

We've tried veggies, we've tried fruits, we've tried meats, we've tried breads. The only things she's shown a remote liking to (meaning she actually smiled when she put them in her mouth and tongued them around a bit inside before spitting most of it back out) were meatballs and sweet potato. Her gag reflex is still really strong, so we gets lots of gagging when she is eating, and she also still has a pretty strong tongue thrust. I'm hoping once those calm down a bit she will actually enjoy real food. 

Katie's favorite things this month include smiling and sticking out her tongue.

She is a huge fan of her brother and sister, and often think that they are the funniest things ever. 

She is chewing on anything and everything, but still doesn't have any teeth popping through. She's started to grab her toes when she is on her back. And when she is doing tummy time she will reach for toys to play with and turn around in circles. She can sit unassisted for a short amount of time. She isn't quite pushing off with her feet or scooting backwards when she is on her tummy, but I'm sure it won't be long before she's trying to get moving. And when she is talking now, she's adding in some back consonant sounds, especially the /g/ sound.

Dislikes this month include the snot sucker. And I'm throwing real food in this category as well. 

Katie is in 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. She is drinking five 6 ounce bottles a day, and is awake 2-3 hours before going down for a nap. This month I'm planning to really stretch that to closer to 3 hours for every wake window by the end of the month. 

At home we have her measuring 26 inches long (which is probably an overestimate based on what she measured at the doctor's office on the 2nd) and is still weighing 16 pounds. 

We are all smiles as we look forward to what this next month has in store for us!

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