Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Brayden and Ashley: Four Years

I've never seen four years go by so fast in my life, but boy have we enjoyed them! Brayden and Ashley are officially four years old! 

These two have the best sibling bond, and I hope it stays as strong as it is now forever. They may fight like brothers and sisters do, but they are quick to forgive and always there for each other when they need it. 


Brayden. Our big hearted lover (at least to his momma). This kid loves building things- be it with blocks, magnet tiles, or his most recent favorite, chairs, if it can be arranged in some way, he is doing it. His favorite show is Paw Patrol or Spidey and his Amazing Friends. He loves cheese and oranges. He is constantly asking to play with play-doh. He absolutely adores his sisters. Mom is still his favorite person (he will forever be a momma's boy), but dad has really grown on him. His favorite catchphrase is "100s of things" when talking about something that is a lot or will take a long time. He enjoys calling people "poopyheads" and "fat pigs", and I'm sure we will get in trouble in preschool this fall when he starts calling people in his class those endearing terms of affection. He loves to race you to his room before bed, and really loves dancing to Rolex, or "Rolly Rolly" as he calls it. The outside is his favorite place, and he's gotten pretty good at his balance bike. All he talks about is going camping, so I'm excited to make those memories with him this summer. Great things are in store for this guy this year!

Ashley. Our spunky spit fire. I think Ashley was born to be an artist. She is always the first one to ask for crayons to draw or color, and she's pretty good at it. She loves dressing up and playing "mom and dad" with Brayden. Her favorite shows are also Paw Patrol and Spidey and his Amazing Friends. Cookies and milk are her favorite snacks. Ashley is definitely more of a daddy's girl than Brayden is a daddy's boy (though not as much a daddy's girl as Katie is!). She busts out her best dance moves- or better known as spinning around in circles- to "Rolly Rolly". Ashley is the best big sister and a huge helper. She always needs just one more hug and kiss before bed, and will say "goodnight, I love you, see you in the morning" until she is blue in the face, especially if she doesn't hear you say it back to her. She loves to sing anything and everything, and especially loves to finish the silly songs that daddy starts for her. I can't wait to see where this year takes her!

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