Monday, January 1, 2024

Reflecting and Expecting on What's to Come

2023 is officially in the past, so I wanted to reflect on all the beautiful things last year offered our family, and at the same time, imagine all the good that we can expect in this new year.  

I'm reflecting on all the family time we were able to have. We spent time on the lake, on the four wheeler, at the fair, at a few weddings, in the backyard, at football and basketball games, at the rodeo, at the pumpkin patch, and I'm sure so many other things. I truly feel like we embraced growing as a family last year, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much more we grow in 2024.

I'm reflecting on all the one on one time Eric and I were able to have. Whether it was sneaking in time together during nap time or after the kids went to bed, our New England vacation with just the two of us, or the few special times we were able to leave the kids with the grandparents and fit in a dinner date or evening with friends, we made sure to make time for each other last year. I pray we are able to carve out even more time for the two of us this year!

I'm reflecting on all the friend time that we were all able to have. There were friend dinners, wine dates, dinner parties, sleepovers, holiday parties, hunting trips, and so much more. Friendships are such an important part of life, and I'm thankful that we were able to nourish those friendships in so many different ways last year.

As I reflect on the year, I have to remember to give myself some grace. I so badly want to be a "supermom" and get everything right, have children that love each other and don't fight, have a house where we never yell, and have everything fall perfectly into place every time. Now do I now that that is the most unrealistic goal ever- yes, I do. But is it still something that I beat myself up over when I know that I've failed on so many of those things- yes, it is. I'm not big on making resolutions, but if I could make one wish for myself, it would be to give myself more grace when I don't live up to my unrealistic expectations. 

My wish for Brayden, Ashley, and Katie would be that they seize every opportunity that is offered to them this year. Whether it be t-ball, dance class, sleepovers, that scary ride, or whatever else this year can throw our way, I hope they embrace each opportunity, know that it's ok to feel all the feelings, and know that they are brave, strong, and cherished no matter what the outcomes are. 

My wish for Eric and I is that we remember to not take each other for granted. That we embrace this crazy beautiful life that we've built. That we take time for ourselves, for our family, and for each other. 

May this year be everything that we want it to be. May we face each challenge head on. And may we stick together as a family in everything that we do. Bring it on 2024!

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