Sunday, December 11, 2016

Baby #2: 28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks

Weight gain/loss: I'm still going with 10 pounds.

Sleep: So good!

Rings: On.

Showing: Yep!

Cravings: I could really go for a Jimmy John's sandwich.

Gender: Hopefully she's still a girl :)

Best Moment this Week: It's always great getting together with my friends, and I got to see two of my three best friends last night. We spent all night laughing, eating yummy food, and loving on their babies (who aren't really babies anymore!). I can never get enough time with those girls. And Kendra, you were greatly missed! Ashley gave us the best present- ornaments with Ian and Madison's monogram on them. Her brother made them, which makes them even more special. 

Eric and I also discovered that Madison likes Disney songs- who doesn't though, right? We were laying in bed and Eric put the Disney Pandora station on. While we were jamming out to all the songs, Madison was kicking away. She especially likes The Little Mermaid and The Lion King- good choices baby girl!

I got word that my Glucose test came back normal- yay! I don't think I could survive pregnancy without chocolate haha. Eric and I also finished Christmas shopping this week. So thankful to be done with that and so excited for everyone to see their gifts. I think I like giving presents even more than I like getting them. 

Looking Forward To: Spending these last three months with Madison. I seriously can't believe that we only have about three more months with her (hopefully). Time has gone by so fast, and I so wish that I could pause time and keep her in my belly forever. I know that I am going to do everything possible to make memories with her, including maternity pictures hopefully next week (as long as the weather cooperates!).

This week also marks Ian's two year angel-versary. Which just blows my mind. Seeing August run around last night, grabbing onto Ashley's leg and saying "mama", gave me a heavy heart. Don't get me wrong, I love that Ashley gets to have those experiences with her baby boy and I wouldn't wish what happened to us on anyone, but that doesn't make it any easier. Ian should be one and a half years old. What would he be like? Who would be his favorite (I'm guessing it would be Eric ha!)? Would he like sports and being outside with Eric? Would he throw a ball for Cassie to fetch or cuddle up on the floor with Bailey? Would he crave for me to hold him and rock him to sleep? We'll never know. And that really stinks. And to think I'll have all the same questions once Madison is born, it sure doesn't seem fair. But we are living with the hand God dealt us, and he must think that we can handle all of this. I know that recently God dealt another couple an unfortunate hand. I don't know the details of their situation, but I truly hope that they get in contact with us, if nothing else to know that they aren't alone and that there are so many people praying for them. Life can be rough, but if there's one thing I've learned it's that we don't have to walk this path alone.

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