Sunday, December 4, 2016

Baby #2: 27 Weeks

How far along: 27 weeks

Weight gain/loss: Official word from the OB is that I'm up 10 pounds total.

Sleep: Like a rock!

Rings: On.

Showing: Yep!

Cravings: Well I took my glucose test last week, so I tried to lay off the chocolate and sweets all week. So now I'm making up for that :) Let's just hope I don't get told I have gestational diabetes this week!

Gender: Girl.

Best Moment this Week: Oh I had so many great moments this week. When I was thinking about my post last night, I was wondering what exactly I would put in this section. I had a doctor's appointment, so I knew I could always write about that, but what else good happened this week. Then I realized that so many great little moments happened. The moments that sneak up on you and you take for granted. But not this week! 

So let's start with a fun little story from Monday night. Eric and I were laying in bed cuddling like we always do. My belly was right up against Eric's side (which is kinda hard to avoid when we are cuddling now-a-days). Anyways, Eric has been feeling Madison move and kick more and more often lately. We were laying there talking and she is letting him have it. I ask if he can feel her and he says that he can. I joked that she just wants to cuddle too so she's trying to get as close as possible to her daddy, or that she just wants him to move over and give her more room. We both agreed that the first option was a much better choice!

I have also been able to see Madison's kicks from the outside this week. I even watched her roll across my stomach one day. I have yet to catch it on camera- ornery little miss always stops as soon as I get my phone out! I will catch it one of these times, though. Then Thursday I had another doctor's appointment. Madison's heart rate came in at 145- which the doctor says is very good! I also had to take my glucose test that day too. Luckily, I just thought that the drink tasted like an extra sugary, flat, orange soda. The only part that stunk was that I had to drink the whole glass in 5 minutes. When my hour was up, a nurse called me back and lead me to a random side room. She said all of the lab rooms were full and she had to draw my blood now or I would have to repeat the test. I stuck out my arm and said "draw away!"

And then for a bunch of random little moments that I loved this week. My cousin Elise messaged me that she had a dream that I had had Madison and that she was the size of a three month old baby (goodness I hope she isn't that big!) and that she had dark brown hair and rosy pink cheeks- which I loved to hear. I got a little note in the mail from a friend thanking me for sharing my story with you all through this blog and how I have changed her perspective on her own life. I've had friends message me videos and little "I'm praying for you" posts. I even had a friend text me a picture from the prayer board at her church (which is about two hours away- how cool!) that read: My prayer concern is for Sharon and Eric's baby that God will heal it. To know we have so many people praying for and thinking of us all over the state, our country, and the world is incredible. I'll be forever thankful that Madison's life has touched this many people.

I also wanted to include that for the first time in a while I broke down this week. I had just read Madison her almost nightly story when Eric came in for bed. I tried to hold the tears back, but he could tell that something was wrong. I got a really good cry in, questioning why Madison has to die and why this has to happen to us. I get told often that I'm so strong. I've never thought that was true. I'm so incredibly weak and question why we must walk this path every day. Maybe one day I'll actually be as strong as everyone thinks I am. Until then, I'll keep praying for God to guide us on this journey in every way that he can.

Looking Forward To: Entering my third trimester next week! I seriously can't believe how fast this is going. And I get to see a few of my favorite people on Saturday, can't beat that!

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