Sunday, February 19, 2017

Baby #2: 38 Weeks

How far along: 38 weeks

Weight gain/loss: I'm back up to gaining 14 pounds total- I'm really not sure where those 4 pounds went last week, because I don't think I actually lost 4 pounds last week and gained them back this past week.

Sleep: I slept really well this past week, even getting up all the time to go to the bathroom!

Rings: On.

Showing: Yep!

Cravings: Hmm, nothing really this week.  

Gender: Girl.


Best Moment this Week: Well let me start with a moment I forgot to write about last week! Last Saturday I met with Laura, a woman who lost her first daughter shortly after she was born. Even though our losses are different, it's amazing how similar our emotions are and how we could talk for over an hour without any dead space in our conversation. Our conversation only reinforced an idea that I've had in my head for quite some time- a bereavement support group for moms (and dads) who've suffered a pregnancy or infant loss. In fact, on Wednesday of this week I met with Melissa Semple, a local professional counselor, to toss around that idea and what things would look like. I left that meeting feeling rejuvenated that this is something I really want to pursue. I'm not sure when I will be ready to get things up and running, but when I am, I will definitely let you all know!

Valentine's Day was this past week, but we never really celebrate it because my birthday is on the 17th. So I'll just talk about my birthday! I had a doctor's appointment Friday. Baby girl has a heartbeat of 125, and doctor said that things are looking good. After my appointment I met up with Ashley and two of my favorite kiddos for some ice cream. Ashley gave me the most beautiful present- a bracelet for Madison! She wrote in my card that once we become moms, it stops being about us and all about our babies- how true!

Eric and I enjoyed a nice dinner at Joe's and a relaxing evening cuddling on the couch watching a movie. Eric's present for me still isn't in yet, but I told him that Madison gave me the best gift of all-lots and lots of kicks and movement all day long. I couldn't have asked for a better present. On Saturday we went to Effingham to plan an adventure for this summer- an Alaskan cruise! I'm pretty dang excited about it! Then this morning I got to see Kaci for about an hour before she had a family breakfast. I'm so glad I was able to meet up with her in the short time she was home. This afternoon my Grandma Blievernicht stopped by for a bit. It was nice to catch up with her and show her the house and barn.

I was talking to Kendra and mentioned that I'm really starting to get overwhelmed with the idea that within the next 3 or so weeks, we will get to meet and then have to say goodbye to our sweet Madison. I get anxiety just thinking about it. Kendra sent me a Bible verse that I thought fit so perfectly, I used it on my chalkboard this week! Continue praying for strength for us as we get closer and closer to our due date.

Looking Forward To: No school tomorrow! I have another doctor's appointment on Thursday. And this weekend is my last weekend taking pictures until April. 

1 comment:

  1. Many prayers for all of you during your remaining time with sweet Madison
