Thursday, February 6, 2020

Baby #3 and #4: 36 Weeks

Another week down and another week closer to meeting our babies! And it's finally February, which means that it's finally baby month!

Week 35 started off with some nice one on one time with Eric. We ordered out, cuddled on the couch, and watched some movies together. It was so nice to get some time alone with just him (yay for a little break in basketball!), as very soon that will be harder and harder to find. And isn't this picture of him cuddling the babies the cutest thing ever?!

And I got one more thing checked off our baby-ready list- our hospital bag is officially packed (minus our last minute toiletries). Now just to get the car seats officially installed and I think we will have everything ready!

Yesterday I had another doctor's appointment. Baby A had a heartbeat of 134, and Baby B had a heartbeat of 132. A is still breech and B is still transverse- no surprise there. Dr. Haller said that everything was looking great- both babies are practicing breathing in there so that's a really good sign. I gained two pounds this week, putting my total gained up to 32 pounds. and at 36 weeks my belly is measuring 44.5 inches across my belly button (which a little guy at school was totally amazed by today because it's sticking out). I got my group B strep swab done, and Dr. Haller answered all my c-section questions.

I'm not going to lie, I'm really nervous about getting a c-section. There's so much unknown to me about a c-section, and the fact that it's major surgery has my stomach in a few knots. But I do feel more comfortable after talking to her about everything that will happen and how things will go down. The goal is to get these babies here safely, and a c-section is going to ensure that for these two.

Last night we also got together with Eric's sisters for our weekly Bachelor date night. I love these nights with them, even if we sometimes do more talking than actually watching the Bachelor (and having to rewind so that we know what's going on).

I'm so excited for another week with these babies and seeing what we can get done this week!

1 comment:

  1. So close! So happy for all,of you. I had two c-sections, and while the recovery wasn’t easy, it really wasn’t bad either. And knowing the end result made it totally worth it.
