Friday, January 31, 2020

Baby #3 & #4: 35 Weeks

I'm 35 weeks and can happily say that we've made it! Hitting 35 weeks is a big deal as that means that I get to deliver at St. Anthony's instead of having to deliver at a bigger hospital with a NICU department. This was Eric and I's first major goal we wanted to hit as we got closer to delivery.

What a week week 34 was! The day after hitting 34 weeks, I went in for my Non-Stress Test. I never had any of those with Madison, so I was curious what exactly they were like. It turns out they just strap some heartbeat monitors and a contraction monitor on your belly and leave you alone for 20 minutes. Easy peasy! I will say the babies were not fans of the monitors. As soon as she put the first monitor on, one baby let out a big ol' kick that moved my entire belly ha!

I met with Dr. Haller after that and she said that both babies did very well on the NST and that I wasn't having any contractions, which I didn't think I was yet. Dr. Haller said that at our next appointment (which ended up being on Wednesday this week- so check that out a little farther down) we will start talking about delivery. Exciting stuff!

And just an update on my cold. Friday things were definitely worse. Sooooo many kleenexes are in the trash can ha! Dr. Haller didn't seem too concerned about it at my appointment, so I guess that that's a good thing. I pretty much laid on the couch with my water, gatorade, and kleenexes the rest of the night. By Saturday morning things were looking better, but I still spent most of the day sleeping. Sunday I had some bad ear and throat pain, so off to Urgent Care I went. They thought I might have strep, but thankfully all those tests came back negative. But the feel better train was in full motion and by the end of this week I feel almost totally back to normal, minus a slightly runny nose still.

On my drive home from work Monday, I was in so much pain in my back and right ribs. I could not even make it home without having to get out of my van to walk around and stretch and try to feel better. I was in so much pain that Eric wouldn't let me go to work on Tuesday at all.

Wednesday I had my next OB appointment, and I think that Eric was pretty positive that if I told Dr. Haller what had happened that she would put me on full bed rest. I even brought Everything home from work I would need to finish working from home until the babies got here. But she pretty much told me that I was SOL, and since the babies were so smushed in there together, there would be times I was just in a lot of pain. If you think having one baby under your ribs is painful, try having two!

Both babies are still breech (surprise, surprise), so a c-section is now officially our option of delivery. There's no way either baby has space to turn between now and possibly three weeks from now. Baby A had a heartbeat of 146. He was measuring about the same as he was two weeks ago- 5 pounds 4 ounces. The tech did fully admit that these measurements are not the most accurate, especially since he is so crammed up in there that she wasn't able to get good measurements on everything she needed to get his weight. Baby B had a heartbeat of 161 and was weighing in at 5 pounds 5 ounces. I somehow lost weight between last week and this week- I'm guessing it's more water weight I'm losing as my swelling has really gone down? Right now I'm up a total of about 30 pounds, give or take a few. And since we are getting down to crunch time with only a max of three weeks left, I wanted to record the circumference around my belly. So at 35 weeks my belly is measuring 44 inches!

And I just had to share this picture of a compilation of some ultrasound pictures. Remember when I said that their heads were right next to each other- and both under my right ribs? I have the ultrasound pictures to prove it- starting around 18 weeks! I've decided that they will either always have to be near each other and will love each other so much, or they will be so tired of being right next to the other one that there might be some animosity once they are born. Only time will tell ha!

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