Thursday, January 9, 2020

Baby #3 and #4: Weeks 31-32

What another exciting two weeks! The end of Week 30 brought a full day of freezer making meals with momma- what a task! We made 8 different meals, with at least two pans from each meal going into the freezer. We should be stocked up for a while! I can't thank my mom enough for helping me do this. When I needed a break to sit down and rest, she kept trucking. Whether it was washing dishes, browning meat, mixing ingredients, she didn't slow down the entire time she was at our house. I'm forever grateful for her and her helping heart.

The end of week 30 also brought a trip to the hospital for an ultrasound- but not of the babies. I really noticed during our freezer meal day that my legs HURT. The inside thigh and calf of both legs had been tender for a few days, but that long day on my feet made them hurt even worse. I called my OB's office to see if it was normal, and while they didn't think it was a blood clot since I was hurting on both legs and had no warmth or color change, they did want me to get scanned for blood clots just in case. It's amazing what technology can do! I'm happy to report that both legs are clot free, though that didn't solve the mystery of my hurting legs.

The babies helped us ring in the New Year with some awesome friends, including some interesting games of slap jack, uno, and go fish. And as a bonus we were in bed before the ball even dropped! I have a feeling that we will have many more New Years Eve's like that in our future and I can NOT wait.

The beginning of week 31 brought on another doctor's appointment and ultrasound! Bot babies continue to look good in there. Baby boy had a heart rate of 153 beats per minute, weighed 3 pounds and fourteen ounces and measured one week ahead. Baby girl had a heart rate of 155 beats per minute, weighed 4 pounds and three ounces and measured one week ahead. I gained about 6 pounds since my last appointment, putting me up a total of 25 pounds so far. I'm totally blaming the holidays and all the yummy food on that one! And on another note, both babies are still transverse across my belly, making the likelihood of a c-section more and more likely. We shall see what happens in the coming weeks!

On the 4th we had fancy dinner party with Brian, Mara, Doug and Ashley and boy does that thing never disappoint. Cornish game hens, homemade rolls, and a panna cotta chocolate mouse dessert that was to die for. The company wasn't too shabby either. I love this yearly tradition of ours!

This past week it was back to the old grind for me- we had our teacher's institute on the 6th and then our first day back with kids on the 7th. I wish I could say that the first day back was a breeze, but that would be a lie. You see, since about Friday night, I really noticed that not only did my legs still really hurt, but now they were really swollen. Like skin so tight, I only have one pair of pants that fit me now tight. I ended up calling my OB's office on the 7th and they wanted me to come back in and get checked out.

So I made the haul to Effingham to get a urine and blood pressure check- both of which came back normal. While I was there they went ahead and drew some labs to check for pre-eclampsia just in case- which also came back normal. And while I'm thankful that there's nothing "wrong", that wasn't the answer I was looking for. I mean, my legs are so swollen that it hurts to walk- I can hardly even bend my legs. I have some compression socks coming, and I'll be spending the next however many weeks pushing even more water than I was and trying to keep my feet elevated as much as possible. Fun times!

At least after wearing the compression stockings for a few days, I do feel like I'm slightly less swollen than before. And I can actually walk and move around without the high amount of pain I was having earlier in the week. Two thumbs up for progress!

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