Thursday, January 16, 2020

Baby #3 & #4: 33 Weeks

Well we are getting into crunch time, so I thought it was time to start doing weekly posts until babies get here! We just hit week 33 today, and I have to say that week 32 didn't disappoint.

This past week was full of cover wars with Eric at night. We have so many pillows in our bed now to keep me comfortable at night (which isn't always successful), that our covers seem to barely fit the bed. I roll over and pull the covers towards me, which uncovers Eric. Then he'll roll over and pull the covers towards him, which of course uncovers me. It's a constant battle all night long, especially with how many times I'm up to use the restroom or roll over. I think at this point we should maybe each get our own set of covers so we both stay covered up. It's not like we are cuddling at this point anyways ha!

I also had a repeat trip to Dr. Haller's office for the swelling in my legs again. I noticed a brighter red spot on the side of my calf that seemed warm to the touch, so she had me come in check it out. After looking it over she decided that it wasn't a blood clot and the other calf, though not as red, was just as warm as that side. She pressed her finger into my leg and I don't want to admit how long the indention staying on my leg. She asked if I was still working to which I replied yes. And the very next thing she said was- "Do you wanna know what I think?" Of course I knew what she thought, she wanted me to quit working. But I have SO much to do at work still to finish wrapping up my time there I was able to convince her to only drop me down to half days for the time being. We'll see how long that lasts. For now you can find me either in the morning or late afternoon with my feet up and my bottom on the couch. The things we do for our children!

This week I finally got my Tdap shot and am attending probably my last game of Eric's before the babies arrive (so maybe until next year haha!). I also took off my rings this week, they were getting a little snug, and I wanted to get them off before it got too hard to get them off on my own.

So if you see me out and about the next few weeks, expect to see me waddling around in a pair of black leggings and some cheap black tennis shoes that are a size bigger than I wear not pregnant, probably holding either the under side of my belly because our son likes to hang out in my pelvic bone, or the right side of my upper stomach, as our daughter likes to nuzzle her head into my rib cage. Boy pregnancy sure is glamorous! But I can firmly say I wouldn't trade this for the world. Here's to another fun filled week!

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