Saturday, February 22, 2020

Brayden and Ashley: One Week

How oh how can our babes be one week old already!? I'm pretty sure that that was the fastest week of my life, and I know that the weeks are only going to fly by from here on out. So here's to trying to soak it all up!

Up first is their birth story. We got to the hospital around 5 on February 14th to get prepped for my c--section. I was a pretty nervous to get the spinal, but it really wasn't as bad as the epidural was when I had Madison. I got back to the operating room and Eric joined us. That spinal sure did it's job as I didn't even notice that they had started the procedure.

It wasn't long after that and I heard the wonderful cry of our third baby, Brayden Michael Schackmann, at 7:59 AM. I couldn't wait for them to come put him on my chest. Little man has a tight grip. They said that he grabbed hold of the suction hose on his way out.

One minute later at 8:00 AM Ashley Marie Schackmann was born. Little miss swallowed some amniotic fluid on her way out, so unfortunately I wasn't able to get skin to skin time with her. I'm glad I couldn't see what was happening with her, but Eric said it wasn't that bad. They had to suction out her lungs to get the fluid out. As they were wheeling me out into recovery they did let me see her and put her up to my face for a minute.

As I was in recovery with Brayden, Eric was able to go to the nursey to see Ashley. By this time she was hooked up to IVs and had a CPap machine on to help her breath. I was still unable to go see her, but Eric did go down quite a bit to keep her company. She had the CPap for about 4 hours, and then was moved to a nasal cannula.

I did finally get to get up and go down to the nursery to really meet her, and that's when she officially got her name (we were between two and I wanted to see her before I decided). Holding her was the best thing ever.

Brayden got his first bath in our room on Friday night. He was not a fan ha!

Ashley finally got to come stay in our room around 11:30 on Saturday morning. She was still hooked up to her IV until late that night/early Sunday morning. Seeing her wire free was so great!

Ashley got her first bath in the nursery on Sunday. She also was not a fan of the bath. The two that we've given them at home have also been received with cries and screams from both of them. Let's hope that gets better!

Sunday evening we got a big surprise. The nurse that cared for Madison, Abby Warden, was working, and was able to switch to get to take care of us and Brayden and Ashley that night. We hadn't seen each other since the night Madison was born. It was wonderful catching up with her and getting to have her be a part of the twins' birth story as well.

We were finally able to go home on Monday (which happened to be my 30th birthday!). Leaving that hospital room with these two was such a good feeling. I'm glad I got to spend that evening at home with our little family.

And here's a few more pictures from our hospital stay that I don't want to forget!

The rest of the week at home was so nice getting settled into a routine and figuring out how to be parents. We've had some rough nights, but that was to be expected. We've also had some amazing nights where we felt rested waking up. I'm hoping those nights continue!

In their first week they celebrated their first Valentine's Day, met their grandparents and aunts and uncles, and even met one of their cousins (who looks SO big next to the two of them). We've been soaking in the baby cuddles and continue to be amazed at the two little humans that we created. We also had our first doctor's appointment. Brayden is almost back up to his birth weight of 6 pounds 7 ounces at 6 pounds six ounces on Friday. Ashley is also gaining up to her birth weight of 6 pounds 2 ounces at 6 pounds even. We had our first blowout (by Ashley) and Brayden's first time peeing all over once his diaper came off. I wish I could say it would be the last time for both of those things, but I know that would be a lie.

I have so many more thoughts to write down. Like how their birth has me reflecting on Ian and Madison. Or how I didn't think I could love someone as much as I love them (and their daddy). But I'll save those for another day. For now it's back to some baby cuddles.

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