Monday, March 9, 2020

Madison's Third Angelversary

Madison, yesterday marked three years since you were born still. Three years of longing to hold you, wanting to smother you with kisses, and eager to show you all the wonderful things about the world. Three years seems like so long ago, but yet like it was just yesterday. 

In fact, when your daddy and I took your new brother and sister to visit you yesterday, we commented on how it seems like you were just here. Same goes for your brother Ian. I don't know how time has passed so quickly, but also so slowly. 

I'll never be able to fully put into words how much we miss you. Or how it isn't fair that you didn't get to stay. Or how I will always feel an intense guilt that I get to be happy and experience life with Brayden and Ashley and not you. 

But know that you are always missed. Always loved. Always wanted. And we will always carry you in our hearts until that glorious day we get to carry you in our arms once again. 

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