Sunday, November 26, 2023

Katie: 18 Months

Katie has graced us with her pure orneriness (doused with the cutest smile I've ever seen) for 18 months now, and we are sure loving every minute of her. 

She is the true definition of ornery. She will walk right up to Eric to give him a hug, then say her sweet little "no", smile, and turn and run away. Or she will act like she wants to give you a kiss, then turn her head and put her hand over your mouth. Then she'll just laugh and laugh at herself like she's the funniest person in the world. This girl is sassy and she knows it.

Her favorite thing in the world right now would have to be me. I couldn't tell you how many times I hear her say "mama" in a day, followed with a close second of "no", and a third of "up". She absolutely loves to read books, and will sneak in as many books as she can before bedtime. She is still a huge fan of bath time, her lobster, and going downstairs to play. She likes being tipped upside down, pushing the laundry basket around the house, and sneaking into the office to push all the buttons on the printer. She smiles so big when she gets to throw away her diaper, and if there's a mess on the floor, she is getting a towel to clean it up. 

Dislikes include someone taking her food or being in her space, especially when she is sitting on my lap. She also dislikes when she can't be held, or if you tell her no. That lip comes out fast and goes out far. And protein, Katie has a strong dislike for protein. I literally watched her pick all the pieces of hamburger meat off her noodles at dinner time last night before she ate each noodle. At least I can say she has great fine motor skills, right?

Katie weighs 23 pounds and is 31.25 inches tall. She is wearing size 18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 3 shoes. She has 11 teeth totally in, 6 on top and 5 on bottom, with another one on bottom poking through. 

She is saying (or has approximations for) mama, dada, no, up, off, eyes, Brady, Ashley, puppy, moo, oink, baa, please, mine, drink, and probably a ton of other words that I can't quite understand yet. She likes to talk a lot. She knows several body parts, including belly, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, fingers, and toes. 

Katie is a ray of sunshine, a needy crabby patty, and everything we could ever ask for. Here's to all we have to look forward to with her!

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