Thursday, December 12, 2019

Baby #3 and #4: Weeks 25-28

We've officially hit the third trimester this month- woo hoo!! It feels so good to finally be in the home stretch and getting one step closer to bringing these babies home. So let's take a look back at this crazy awesome month!

25 weeks was the date of our 3D ultrasound at Catching Glimpses in Effingham. We did this with Madison at a place in Indiana and I loved the pictures we were able to get there. This time we did the scan almost a month earlier than we did Maddie's scan since there's two in there and they are running out of room quickly. I was so pleased that we were actually able to get some picture's of Baby A (which the world now knows is a boy) because before then we literally had no pictures of his face. His sister likes to sit on his head and squish him down into his sack/placenta. Here's a few favorites from the scan!

At 27 weeks I had my one hour glucose test. I'm always worried about the glucose test, which I know has a lot more to do with baby's placenta than what I eat, but with two placentas this go around I knew my chances were higher of getting diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was so happy to hear that my test came back below the threshold and I am GD free!

I found out that I gained three more pounds this month, and from the ultrasound measurements, the babies took two of those pounds! Both babies were measuring almost two weeks ahead, and both were weighing 2.8 and 2.9 pounds. I pray they keep growing big and strong, but it's making me worried for what things will be like come delivery time ha!

I finally bit the bullet and hit up a chiropractor this month. My back has been killing me, and I figured that a trip to get adjusted couldn't hurt anything. I'm super pleased to say that the last week of this month I have felt SO good (thank you Sam!!). I'm excited to continue these appointments to keep my back pain in check.

I was also showered with love at my baby shower in week 27. We received so many wonderful gifts, and announced to the world that the babies were a boy and a girl. We can't wait for our little guy and gal to get here!

In other news this month, I've officially lost my belly button and my ankles. Never fear though, I've gained some fabulous cankles and the start of an outie belly button. I don't even want to know what they will both look like in another month! I'm getting up more often again at night to use the restroom, and just because I'm having a hard time getting comfortable for the entire night. I still remember Eric rolling over to me one night and asking if I was OK since I'd been up and moving around so much that night. Thanks for your concern babe, my hips just can't take one position for too long. I've debated getting a big ol' pregnancy pillow, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. We will see how these next few weeks go and if I finally place that Amazon order ha!

Our goal now is to make it as long as possible with these two still cooking so we can hopefully avoid a NICU stay after they are born. Here's to hopefully another 10 weeks or so to go!

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