Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019: Our Year in Review

2019- you were so very good to us! As I collected pictures and reminisced on all that has happened this year, I can't help but smile. We've had our downs, and it was so nice to see all the ups that this year provided us.

So let's look back at all 2019 had to offer!

First up is our weekly Bachelor nights with Erin and Nichole! I'm already looking forward to doing them again this year.

In March I tagged along with Ashley to Bloomington for the Hearts at Home 2.0 Conference. It was a conference full of love, laughter, and Jesus. I'm bummed that I will be missing this next year, but it's for a good reason! 

In April we spent some much needed time in St. Louis with our friends Jaycen and Katie. We don't get to see them nearly enough, and I loved hanging out with them and their daughter Riley. And now they have Hank and we need a return trip for some extra snuggles with him!

June was a great month all around! It started with a Schackmann family vacation to Breckenridge Colorado! This place was just beautiful, and we took in some white water rafting, fly fishing, mountain hiking, jeeping, and so much more. 

The day after we got back from vacation, I underwent our third IVF transfer! Our first two attempts were unsuccessful with one embryo, so Eric and I talked it over with our doctor, Dr. Dayal (who is the BOMB), and we all agreed to try two embryos this time to give us a better chance. This day was also my first time getting acupuncture done! 

June ended with our first positive pregnancy test since Madison. Two blood draws later and we were officially declared pregnant by my RE! 

At the beginning of July, Eric and I flew off to California with Brian and Mara Fehrenbacher to take a trek down Highway 1. This trip was SO fun. We traveled all the way from San Francisco down to San Diego, hitting up so many great places in between, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Muir Woods, Alcatraz, Big Sur, Sequoia National Park, the Hollywood sign, and the most amazing beaches I've ever seen in between. We already have plans for another vacation together soon!

Two days after getting home from California Eric and I were headed to St. Louis for our first ultrasound. I think both of our hearts skipped a beat when we saw two little babies with strong heartbeats on that ultrasound screen- we are having TWINS! There were a few scares in there with bleeding and spotting, but every checkup we saw two healthy little babies, which is all we could ever ask for. 

I got to watch this cutie a few times this summer and loved every minute of it, maybe almost as much as Grant loved to swing!

From July on it's been all about watching these two babies grow inside me- thankfully as healthy as can be! They are way to big to get pictures of the two of them together anymore, but I just adore this one from an early ultrasound. 

October ended with celebrating Eric's sister Erin's marriage to Chad Niebrugge. What a beautiful wedding for such a deserving couple. And the very next day Eric finally felt one of the babies kick! Those are moments you can never get back and I'll remember his smile forever on that one. 

In November we made lots of headway on the babies' nursery! Eric painted the room gray and put together both cribs and the changing table. It finally looks like we might be ready for these babies come February!

November also brought us one of the greatest gifts- our newest niece Emily! Watching her big brother Grant grow up has been such a treat, I can't wait to do the same for this pretty thing. We love you Emily!

And we are finally on to December, which was just as exciting as the rest of the year! First up was my baby shower where we finally revealed the genders of our babies- a boy and a girl! The shower was everything I could have hoped for thanks to my mom and mother-in-law. We received so many amazing gifts and came home with a great start to our diaper stockpile. 

By the middle of the month, Eric and I were officially van owners! Check out our newest ride- a 2008 Chrysler Town and Country Limited. I'm in love, Eric is in love, and there's so much room for our babies and all that comes with them. 

We've celebrated some amazing Christmases so far and have a fancy Christmas dinner party with friends to look forward to this weekend. This year Eric and I also celebrated our six year wedding anniversary, as well as Ian's fifth and Madison's second angel-versaries. 

By far our biggest blessing has been carrying these twins. I wished I would have done this picture with Madison, so I made sure to get one in with these guys before the tree comes down (who knows when that will be). 

As I sit here and finish typing this, the babies are kicking away and reminding me that 2020 will be our best year yet. I know it won't be easy, but man oh man will it be worth it and all that Eric and I could ever dream for.


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