Sunday, January 29, 2017

Baby #2: 35 Weeks

How far along: 35 weeks

Weight gain/loss: Not sure this week. I'll find out on Thursday!

Sleep: Sleep is good and I just can't get enough of it lately.

Rings: On.

Showing: Yes sir!

Cravings: Water. I've been so, so thirsty!

Gender: Girl.

Best Moment this Week: This was another one of those weeks that I wasn't sure what I would write in this section. That is, until I realized all the good things that happened this week. I'm continually amazed at the people who know about our sweet Madison and are praying for us, especially when they are people that we don't even know! This week we received a letter in the mail from a couple that we don't know. They wanted to let us know that they have been humbled and inspired by this blog and our journey. They felt God calling them to reach out to us, to let us know that they are praying for us. How amazing! We were overwhelmed with their kindness and generosity towards people they have never met. It warms my heart to know that Madison is touching the hearts of so many others.

This week we also finally got to announce that we are getting a niece or nephew! Eric's sister Nichole and her husband Connor are pregnant and due in August. I think God knew I would need some serious baby cuddles around that time. I've already warned Nikki that I might be over every day to get some loving in, so hopefully they won't mind :)

Then this weekend Eric and I traveled to Evansville, Indiana to check out our friends' new house and get together with some of our college friends. We usually go on a wine trip together every year to the wineries by Carbondale, but with one due in February and myself due in March, we decided that we should probably postpone until next year. I'm so glad we were still able to all get together. As we get older it gets harder and harder to find the time to see each other, but thankfully that hasn't stopped us yet- and I hope it never does!

Looking Forward To: I'm going to try to order a Molly Bear, a weighted teddy bear, for Ian this week. Fingers crossed I can get my order in! I start weekly doctor's appointments after this week, so I get to hear Madison's heartbeat every week now! Definitely going to be soaking that heavenly sound in.

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